So I know recently the devs brought back group PvP Battlegrounds, I haven't played those again because of my horrible experiences with PUGs vs groups that obviously communicated via chat or Discord to coordinate better than the PUGs.
My main gripe has been longer since the last update. PvP and PvE have long been at odds with each other due to nerfs and buffs, etc. But I've been struggling as a dps in PvP because my healing is so poor but my damage is good (as long as I'm alive). Yet I see other players who are healers AND have good dps. How is this "allowed?" Another way to ask this question is "Why can 2-3 healers join the queue as dps and end up on the same team?" Then I thought, shouldn't the role you queue as have a benefit and a drawback? Hear me out:
• Dps and tanks are the only roles that should have a healing nerf.
• Tanks and healers are the only ones that should have dps nerf.
• Dps and healers should have "buff" nerfs.
This way player builds can't be abused in BG's with 3 healers healing everyone in their group while rekking the other teams, or 3 tanks permablocking and healing at flags, etc.
This would have downfalls, but it would force players to be honest with their roles when queueing so it doesn't feel like you get the short stick when your team is the only team without a healer because the other two teams has 2 healers each...
I've been playing ESO over 4 years now and recently used my access code to create an account. I did this because I feel like I needed to voice my unecessary opinion on stuff like game balancing.
inb4 "git gud, scrub."
I enjoy ESO very much but sometimes the "loopholes" make certain aspects toxic to play.