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What do you do in super low dps groups as tanks?

Do you leave or stick it out.
  • the1andonlyskwex
    See how far you get in the first 14 minutes and then re-evaluate. Leaving before that just lands you in the penalty box.
  • Calm_Fury
    I wait and see. If the problem is mechanics, I try to explain.

    Usually if we get stuck in a fight, I'll give it 3-5 tries depending on how long it is.

    If we still can't, I'm just honest in the chat and say "Hey everyone, I don't think we have enough DPS for this. It was a good try, though".
  • Starlight_Whisper
    Calm_Fury wrote: »
    I wait and see. If the problem is mechanics, I try to explain.

    Usually if we get stuck in a fight, I'll give it 3-5 tries depending on how long it is.

    If we still can't, I'm just honest in the chat and say "Hey everyone, I don't think we have enough DPS for this. It was a good try, though".

    Thanks I appreciate this insight of word choices.
  • PTTE
    Calm_Fury wrote: »
    I wait and see. If the problem is mechanics, I try to explain.

    Usually if we get stuck in a fight, I'll give it 3-5 tries depending on how long it is.

    If we still can't, I'm just honest in the chat and say "Hey everyone, I don't think we have enough DPS for this. It was a good try, though".

    He said super low dps though, not a lack of knowledge considering mechs. I would leave lol
  • Zer0_CooL
    I try to kick the DD who stnding still spaming a single target skill (mostly snipe) and no single AoE. If that fails im out.
  • ccfeeling
    Leave .
  • zvavi
    Depends, I only run vDLC dungeons, if I don't have time or it seems like dps is not enough for mechanics, leave, if I have time and it looks like we might get through, stay.
  • Grianasteri
    It depends on the circumstances. How much time do I have, what mood am I in, what dungeon is it... all important factors.

    But in general, if I feel I can carry the group, and I have the time required to do so, I will.

    Carrying groups, teaching mechs and helping folk clear content, are actually aspects of ESO that I find quite rewarding and fun. Id encourage more folk to try it.
  • ManDraKE
    you get a better group. The only reason i use my tank is to get faster queues (because playing as a tank is boring af), so not going to waster 2 hours with two guys spamming snipe with a bow and dying every 10 seconds. If they dont take the time to watch a 5 minutes youtube video of how to basic dps after being playing the game for months, im not going to waste 3 hours in a dungeon with them.
  • JanTanhide
    LOL. I stay. I have yet to leave a PUG while Tanking. But I only PUG when I have a lot of time just in case I run into this...
  • Sahidom
    Depends. My tank can slot self-contained survival skills, in case the healer needs to overly focus on the DPS. This scenario isn't much different than a tank slow burning a boss or content.

    IF the low dps knows the mechanics than the fight will end eventually. It may be a 15 minute fight. IF not than the battle is lost before you began. The tank, if able to self-sustain themselves and willing to be patient, can help hold the fight together.

    However, spending hours because the DPS is too low takes away from the persons gameplay too. As a tank, you see how effective the DPS on the first boss fight, and IF you know the content can quickly assess whether the group can complete the dungeon without pulling hair out in frustration. As trial runners encounter these scenarios, their patience become thin when other players don't meet their benchmark standards: Im guilty and many other players are too.

    Overall, the real questions here is 'Is it wrong to leave a group that under performs?' 'Do I have the time to point these players in the right direction or teach them a better way?'

    Its all preferential choices on the tank's play style and available game time, IMHO.
  • Calm_Fury
    PTTE wrote: »
    Calm_Fury wrote: »
    I wait and see. If the problem is mechanics, I try to explain.

    Usually if we get stuck in a fight, I'll give it 3-5 tries depending on how long it is.

    If we still can't, I'm just honest in the chat and say "Hey everyone, I don't think we have enough DPS for this. It was a good try, though".

    He said super low dps though, not a lack of knowledge considering mechs. I would leave lol

    I know. But the vast majority of dungeons can still be completed even with 15-20k group DPS. It might take forever, but most of them can be done.

    If I'm in a good mood, I'll power through. It is actually quite satisfying when you see a group of players is new and they manage to finish the dungeon for the first time.

    I do leave when I know the fight has a DPS check, such as that copy boss in vDoM or the stranglers fight in vLoM. Those do need a minimal DPS to be viable.

    All and all, I think lack of knowledge of mechanics is usually a bigger issue in making me leave. Some 50k DPS groups try to ignore mechanics and wipe consistently.
  • Calm_Fury
    I actually have about 20 or so people that just added me as friend after I had the patience to help them through some dungeons they haven't completed before.

    Honestly, it is very satisfying if the group is willing to listen.
  • Joy_Division
    "Sorry, my SO just got home and is wearing a revealing outfit that demands my immediate and focused attention."
  • Thoragaal
    Do you leave or stick it out.

    It depends on my mood and how much time I have.
    Sometimes I stick it out and sometimes I leave.
    It also depends on the player behind the screen; if they're willing to learn then I usually try to help them out.
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
    "I've always wanted to kick a duck up the arse" -Karl Pilkington, on the question what he'd do if it was the last day on earth.
  • redspecter23
    It depends on what you mean by super low. If they are all in the 2k dps range, I would just leave. If you're talking 10k each, that will be fine for most things, but if it's harder vet content, I'm also out of there.

    Usually if I'm queueing, it's with 2 other friends so this likely wouldn't happen. If the last person were that bad, I might offer some advice to see if it would help, then remove them and replace. There is only so much I am prepared to do to help someone in the instance. If they want to improve, I'd invite them to my guild or discord and provide 1 on 1 help outside of the dungeon when we have more time to improve on weak points.
  • DocFrost72
    My pug tank has 4k health regen, 40k health, capped resists, and applies minor maim to the boss. If all else fails, he also has the necromancer revive ulti back barred, a master's greatsword on back bar, and master's sword and shield up front.

    The only thing that can kill me is what is scripted to. I hang around and we always finish.
    Edited by DocFrost72 on November 3, 2020 6:23PM
  • etchedpixels
    If it's a bunch of guild folks or people who are lower level and/or acknowledging they haven't a clue then I'll happily stick around. If it's some clown who thinks they are god then probably not.

    Same with other things. One of the most rewarding moments this festival was tanking a world boss for a lone level 8 newb so they could get their skull.
    I know. But the vast majority of dungeons can still be completed even with 15-20k group DPS

    Most of the more intro ones can be done with far less DPS than that. I've soloed a few on a tanky char with about 8K dps. Does take a while 8)

    Too many toons not enough time
  • Dunning_Kruger
    I alt-f4 then find fake tank forum posts and talk about fake dps instead to bring awareness to the issue.
    A G G R O - the legendary stamplar GM of <HALL MONITORS>

    For the Queen bby
  • idk
    I stopped queueing solo as a tank to help the GF. I stick to forming groups via my guilds or getting into their groups.

    Granted, a few of us regularly queue 3-man to see what we get. Sometimes we get a decent player. Most of the time we get players with pretty low DPS and sadly some that keep dying to the same thing and do not seem to be learning from their mistakes.

  • Nezyr_Jezz
    There is an option here. you can go into more unconventional build for 4mans and support the team even more.

    For instance:
    NB tank: you can go 5 pieces of AOE dps proc gear such as leeching plate with a 5 piece of Master Architect and a ultimate build race/class to up the damage by a significant amount.
    Warden tank: go AOE with overwhelming surge and ice furnace for massive AOE dps increase.

    Unless its trial (pug trials are not ment to do veteran mode, and on normal you can finish the content by slaping the boss in a face) you can go more offensive on the tank most often then not. All veteran dungeons (with some last boss exceptions) are even easier when you go on a more offensive geared tank. Be creative. Build a DK poison tank, or a NB syphoner, or a Warden magtank... the posibilities are endless.

    I tend to always have at least two other backup setups and multiple monster sets just for specific bosses, but in general offensive tank makes 4 man content way faster and in some cases can do it even solo (veteran).

    I know you can get into teams that have abysmall dps, but unless it's a dps check boss (which are rare) in a 4man content bar arenas, you realy dont have to quit.

    I would say: unless its a total dead duck and you can see its going places and people do not give a damn about mechanics, and are hostile when you talk with them about dps improvement i would say stay.
  • xCezi
    Soul Shriven
    I once tanked a vet Banished Cells 2 where it literally took us 9 minutes to pass the first MINI BOSS. We even had a fake heal, so 3 dds, and two of them literally light attacked and did nothing else. I had 32% of the damage with my only damage source being Grothdarr monster set. Needless to say, I left.
  • Calm_Fury
    Nezyr_Jezz wrote: »
    There is an option here. you can go into more unconventional build for 4mans and support the team even more.

    For instance:
    NB tank: you can go 5 pieces of AOE dps proc gear such as leeching plate with a 5 piece of Master Architect and a ultimate build race/class to up the damage by a significant amount.
    Warden tank: go AOE with overwhelming surge and ice furnace for massive AOE dps increase.

    Unless its trial (pug trials are not ment to do veteran mode, and on normal you can finish the content by slaping the boss in a face) you can go more offensive on the tank most often then not. All veteran dungeons (with some last boss exceptions) are even easier when you go on a more offensive geared tank. Be creative. Build a DK poison tank, or a NB syphoner, or a Warden magtank... the posibilities are endless.

    I tend to always have at least two other backup setups and multiple monster sets just for specific bosses, but in general offensive tank makes 4 man content way faster and in some cases can do it even solo (veteran).

    I know you can get into teams that have abysmall dps, but unless it's a dps check boss (which are rare) in a 4man content bar arenas, you realy dont have to quit.

    I would say: unless its a total dead duck and you can see its going places and people do not give a damn about mechanics, and are hostile when you talk with them about dps improvement i would say stay.

    Honestly, with lower DPS groups those group-support sets don't do much.

    I go the other way around. I usually use Yolna + Alkosh + Symphony and Warhorn, but if I see the group DPS is really low I put Leeching, Overwhelming, destro, etc.

    A lot of times this simple change bumps my tank DPS to 10k+, which is a lot more than Yolna / ALkosh / Warhorn adds for very low groups.
  • MirandaSharp
    Do you leave or stick it out.

    I slug it out. It may take a while, but sure, why not?
    I'm assuming you talk about pugs here.. That's part of the charm of running with a pug, sometimes you get DDs that blast everything and you're basically limited only by running speed and other times you just have to give them (a lot of)time....
  • Nezyr_Jezz
    Calm_Fury wrote: »
    Nezyr_Jezz wrote: »
    There is an option here. you can go into more unconventional build for 4mans and support the team even more.

    For instance:
    NB tank: you can go 5 pieces of AOE dps proc gear such as leeching plate with a 5 piece of Master Architect and a ultimate build race/class to up the damage by a significant amount.
    Warden tank: go AOE with overwhelming surge and ice furnace for massive AOE dps increase.

    Unless its trial (pug trials are not ment to do veteran mode, and on normal you can finish the content by slaping the boss in a face) you can go more offensive on the tank most often then not. All veteran dungeons (with some last boss exceptions) are even easier when you go on a more offensive geared tank. Be creative. Build a DK poison tank, or a NB syphoner, or a Warden magtank... the posibilities are endless.

    I tend to always have at least two other backup setups and multiple monster sets just for specific bosses, but in general offensive tank makes 4 man content way faster and in some cases can do it even solo (veteran).

    I know you can get into teams that have abysmall dps, but unless it's a dps check boss (which are rare) in a 4man content bar arenas, you realy dont have to quit.

    I would say: unless its a total dead duck and you can see its going places and people do not give a damn about mechanics, and are hostile when you talk with them about dps improvement i would say stay.

    Honestly, with lower DPS groups those group-support sets don't do much.

    I go the other way around. I usually use Yolna + Alkosh + Symphony and Warhorn, but if I see the group DPS is really low I put Leeching, Overwhelming, destro, etc.

    A lot of times this simple change bumps my tank DPS to 10k+, which is a lot more than Yolna / ALkosh / Warhorn adds for very low groups.

    This is partially what i was suggesting. There are plenty of offensive sets usable on tanks, which can make up for the lack of dps. Its just a matter of how comfortable you feel about using them :)
  • Calm_Fury
    Nezyr_Jezz wrote: »
    Calm_Fury wrote: »
    Nezyr_Jezz wrote: »
    There is an option here. you can go into more unconventional build for 4mans and support the team even more.

    For instance:
    NB tank: you can go 5 pieces of AOE dps proc gear such as leeching plate with a 5 piece of Master Architect and a ultimate build race/class to up the damage by a significant amount.
    Warden tank: go AOE with overwhelming surge and ice furnace for massive AOE dps increase.

    Unless its trial (pug trials are not ment to do veteran mode, and on normal you can finish the content by slaping the boss in a face) you can go more offensive on the tank most often then not. All veteran dungeons (with some last boss exceptions) are even easier when you go on a more offensive geared tank. Be creative. Build a DK poison tank, or a NB syphoner, or a Warden magtank... the posibilities are endless.

    I tend to always have at least two other backup setups and multiple monster sets just for specific bosses, but in general offensive tank makes 4 man content way faster and in some cases can do it even solo (veteran).

    I know you can get into teams that have abysmall dps, but unless it's a dps check boss (which are rare) in a 4man content bar arenas, you realy dont have to quit.

    I would say: unless its a total dead duck and you can see its going places and people do not give a damn about mechanics, and are hostile when you talk with them about dps improvement i would say stay.

    Honestly, with lower DPS groups those group-support sets don't do much.

    I go the other way around. I usually use Yolna + Alkosh + Symphony and Warhorn, but if I see the group DPS is really low I put Leeching, Overwhelming, destro, etc.

    A lot of times this simple change bumps my tank DPS to 10k+, which is a lot more than Yolna / ALkosh / Warhorn adds for very low groups.

    This is partially what i was suggesting. There are plenty of offensive sets usable on tanks, which can make up for the lack of dps. Its just a matter of how comfortable you feel about using them :)

    Yes, I know. I was partially agreeing with you hehe. What I'm saying more is that, with low DPS groups, I go full tank-DPS. Not even generating ultimate for the group is that useful when the DPS is too low.

    We are agreeing, on most things hehe.
  • Radiance
    I'm a healer and this happens quite often that you get low DEEPs but I usually switch to DPS and Backbar heals and we Duo the Dungeon together. I try to explain mechs but sometimes they just can not cut it. Healer and Tank are like the Mom and Dad trying to wrangle the out of control DEEP children. lol The tank is like the innate leader of the group in my eyes bc survival is so heavily dependent on their taunt, so if they leave, I'm usually out as well. Especially in off-pledge dungeons there's incredibly long wait in Q.
  • Ylikollikas
    Usually leave when I see their pathetic dps on first boss unless I'm in a mood to waste time.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    I have done everything from the Irish Goodbye to inviting the DPS back to my crib to craft them gear and teach them to parse. LOL
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