See title.
Attempting to unlock an armor/weapon stored in a housing chest will fail (item remains locked) and a LUA error is generated.
Attempting to unlock an armor/weapon from inventory might succeed, but generates a LUA error on fail.
NOTE! These errors are NOT related to any addon, the stack trace given does not reference any item.
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/Gamepad/InventoryList_Gamepad.lua:372: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/Gamepad/InventoryList_Gamepad.lua:372: in function 'ZO_GamepadInventoryList:SetupItemEntry'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{isRebuildingList = F, useTriggers = T, isDirty = T, mode = 2, fireCallbackDepth = 0, template = "ZO_GamepadItemSubEntryTemplate..."}, entry = [table:2]{name = "Treasure"}, itemData = [table:3]{requiredLevel = 50, slotIndex = 106, displayQuality = 4, specializedItemType = 250, bagId = 1, rawName = "Toothrow Inferno Staff", locked = F, requiredChampionPoints = 160, name = "Toothrow Inferno Staff", sellInformation = 0, sellPrice = 82, itemType = 1, launderPrice = 0, bestItemCategoryName = "Destruction Staff", bestGamepadItemCategoryName = "Staff", lnk = "|H0:item:103997:363:50:0:0:0:0...", uid = "4633585236333941421", brandNew = F, stackLaunderPrice = 0, equipType = 6, iconFile = "/esoui/art/icons/gear_primativ...", age = 0, statusSortOrder = 0, traitInformation = 0, isPlaceableFurniture = F, traitInformationSortOrder = 1, stackSellPrice = 82, sellInformationSortOrder = 1, isGemmable = F, uniqueId = 59.603302023291, quality = 4, isPlayerLocked = F, isFromCrownStore = F, statValue = 1132, isJunk = F, isBoPTradeable = F, condition = 100, functionalQuality = 4, stolen = F, itemInstanceId = 3570671129, meetsUsageRequirement = T, stackCount = 1} </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/Gamepad/InventoryList_Gamepad.lua:107: in function 'OnSingleSlotInventoryUpdate'
|caaaaaa<Locals> bagId = 1, slotIndex = 106, k = 1, inventoryType = 1, bag = [table:4]{}, entry = [table:2], itemData = [table:3] </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_CallbackObject.lua:116: in function 'ZO_CallbackObject:FireCallbacks'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:5]{fireCallbackDepth = 4}, eventName = "SingleSlotInventoryUpdate", registry = [table:6]{}, callbackInfoIndex = 7, callbackInfo = [table:7]{3 = F}, callback = EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/Gamepad/InventoryList_Gamepad.lua:95, deleted = F </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/SharedInventory.lua:122: in function 'OnInventorySlotUpdated'
|caaaaaa<Locals> eventCode = 131222, bagId = 1, slotIndex = 106, isNewItem = F, itemSoundCategory = 17, updateReason = 4, previousSlotData = [table:8]{requiredLevel = 50, slotIndex = 106, displayQuality = 4, bestGamepadItemCategoryName = "Staff", specializedItemType = 250, bagId = 1, rawName = "Toothrow Inferno Staff", locked = F, requiredChampionPoints = 160, name = "Toothrow Inferno Staff", sellInformation = 0, sellPrice = 82, itemType = 1, launderPrice = 0, uid = "4633585236333941421", stackCount = 1, equipType = 6, meetsUsageRequirement = T, iconFile = "/esoui/art/icons/gear_primativ...", itemInstanceId = 3570671129, statusSortOrder = 1, stolen = F, functionalQuality = 4, isPlaceableFurniture = F, traitInformationSortOrder = 1, stackSellPrice = 82, condition = 100, bestItemCategoryName = "Destruction Staff", isPlayerLocked = T, uniqueId = 59.603302023291, quality = 4, statValue = 1132, isFromCrownStore = F, lnk = "|H0:item:103997:363:50:0:0:0:0...", isJunk = F, isBoPTradeable = F, stackLaunderPrice = 0, isGemmable = F, sellInformationSortOrder = 1, age = 0, traitInformation = 0} </Locals>|r