Lets be honest here,
The game is in no way designed around no-CP or BG's. Which is why everything is OP there.
They need to remove the no-CP option all together, imo.
Waffennacht wrote: »
GrigorijMalahevich wrote: »You are playing a gank magblade with 3 procs and complaining about builds that you can't oneshot or am I missing something?
BG's are fineas long as Mala works with procsets - you should see hp based builds.
GrigorijMalahevich wrote: »You are playing a gank magblade with 3 procs and complaining about builds that you can't oneshot or am I missing something?
BG's are fineas long as Mala works with procsets - you should see hp based builds.
I know you're a good PVPer, and you must have seen Entbert on their Stamden? 40k health, Syvarra/Crimson/Malacath. I can't honestly remember what the monster set was - could easily take Grothdarr or maybe just a defensive set. It honestly makes triple proc medium builds look like child's play. It's a hilariously hard build to punish and puts out really decent damage.
Triple proc malacath builds are obnoxious. So are 40k Malacath proc builds. They're not mutually exclusive statements.
No disrespect meant to anyone who plays these builds. I play cheese myself - it's kinda just the state of the game at the moment. But I can still be objective about it. The meta, regardless of whether it's DOT procs or health stacking with procs, isn't a lot of fun for anyone involved.
Not really a shocker. People were hyped the last time proc sets were hot, for "busting the tank meta" just to pikachu face when health pools started increasing in reaction to all the proc sets.
Now we've come full circle. Give it a year, I guess?
Not really a shocker. People were hyped the last time proc sets were hot, for "busting the tank meta" just to pikachu face when health pools started increasing in reaction to all the proc sets.
Now we've come full circle. Give it a year, I guess?
Health levels are growing because of server performance. Health, passive health regen and armor are the only defensive tools not impacted by poor performance. What else can you do if you can't reliable roll, block or use skills?
Hakkanistorm wrote: »The problems are not in the tank. The problem is the huge amount of damage that cannot be dodged or blocked, you cannot protect yourself with absolutely nothing. It makes sense that humans build much defense. 90% tank will become useless without ring + 25% damage. This is the biggest mistake ever made by a game developer, adding this ring
In this game, 1-1 means nothing, people play 4-4-4, cyrodiil, move in groups. Defense is simply better than dying in 2 seconds and doing nothing useful
I dream of the days when I walked in 3 dps sets and light armor on my magplar ... but now that's a thing of the past. People have 40k hp and just damage from procs. players wear raspberry and syvar on any class.
Now, after resetting the mmr to BG, it became not so disgusting to play and you don't see this *** that happens on the noncp so often. But soon the mmr will stabilize ... and everything will be the same. You will try to escape from the unkillable necromancer / warden / dk and he will laugh in your back and hammer with 1 button diz
Recapitated wrote: »That's not it bc you get the same thing in BGs. Doesn't help, but it's not the driving force.
I think they should get rid of health based skills. Why are you being rewarded for just stacking up?
Recapitated wrote: »That's not it bc you get the same thing in BGs. Doesn't help, but it's not the driving force.
As if performance in BGs has not been just as garbage as Cyro for a good year now.
Recapitated wrote: »That's not it bc you get the same thing in BGs. Doesn't help, but it's not the driving force.
As if performance in BGs has not been just as garbage as Cyro for a good year now.
Anyway, if something needs to be done about healthstacking, a damage output debuff past a certain health threshold should stop these ridiculous (40k+ hp now...) stamdens/stamnecros but healthstacking is just a response to another problem: damage in no cp is too high, I would have been fine with the previous 60% battle spirit healing debuff had ZOS also lowered damage in general through battle spirit in no cp.
Then there is the Malacath band of p2w that allows players with 20k stam and 2k weapon damage to hit just as hard as pure stat glass cannons, on top of boosting whatever proc sets they decide to wear.
On a side note it's not just health builds, malacath and proc sets. If you think about it it's everything in the game thats somehow wrong (with regards to PvP).
Back to the stamden. ~35k HP, ~4.5k health recovery. ~30k resistences. 3k weapon damage (because infused jewelry) and malacath on top. With potion active ~2k stam recovery. A spammable heal that heals a buttload (because based on max health) + vigor and something else that hits way to hard in combination with malacath.
This should not be a thing. The balance is all over the place but it's not related to a single thing. It's the combination of a buttload of things.
Waffennacht wrote: »On a side note it's not just health builds, malacath and proc sets. If you think about it it's everything in the game thats somehow wrong (with regards to PvP).
Back to the stamden. ~35k HP, ~4.5k health recovery. ~30k resistences. 3k weapon damage (because infused jewelry) and malacath on top. With potion active ~2k stam recovery. A spammable heal that heals a buttload (because based on max health) + vigor and something else that hits way to hard in combination with malacath.
This should not be a thing. The balance is all over the place but it's not related to a single thing. It's the combination of a buttload of things.
I have been trying stat based builds; and they look as good as this one on paper.
Stats look great; however id still take a proc build hands down.
Infact I wouldnt be surprised your set up is something ive used before too.
Also; youre talking warden, one of the better classes ATM.
I dunno, I guess Im saying that despite how insanely good those stats look, proc builds are better
GrigorijMalahevich wrote: »gank magblade with 3 procs
the dominating ppl in bg are allways the ones going for healthstacking + proc heavy armor and dawnbreaker subteranean assault combo.(its not skill to wait for ur ult and land that) it has been the most effective playstyle for a long time now.
everything that does dmg or heal should scale of maxmagicka or stamina and spelldmg weapondmg on every set.
its not worth atm going for light armor glasscannon build especially when u go for stat build !!!!!!! this is a balancing problem.
healthbased healing needs to be nerfed. skills should scale more of stats. procs should also scale on maxresource and stat.