I'm doing some DPS parses on my MagDK, and I seem to be unable to get the DPS numbers that many good players get on the trial dummy, so I'm here to get some advice, and see if I'm missing something, because right now it seems like I do.
Just for the sake of it, I ran almost the same setup as Liko uses on a YouTube video (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Po8MOLyLVnc), which is:
5 Siroria (non perfected though) with inferno front bar, fire glyph.
5 Mother's Sorrow, bloodthirsty jewelery, spell damage glyphs.
2 Maw of the Infernal.
The Maelstrom's perfected inferno back bar, spell damage enchant.
Eye scream or witchmother's on the parse (not big of a difference either way). Shadow mundus. Race is Khajiit. I use the exact same champion points as in the video (Blue CPs: Elemental Expert 49, Elfborn 61, Spell Erosion 10, Master-at-Arms 61, Staff Expert 14, Thaumaturge 72, Piercing 3.
With this setup I get between 70-73k. I get almost the same numbers by using medusa/perfected false god/succession too in different combinations. When I look at my CMX parse, I have about the same percentages on the skills, so the rotation seems to be pretty identical. My light attack ratio is about 0.9 -0.95 consistently. Here's a CMX parse:

So my question is, what am I doing wrong? Why are my numbers significantly lower than many others? What am I missing?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: forgot to add that I'm been using both spell power pots and structured entropy for the buff. Not that big of a difference either.
Edited by Vildebill on October 31, 2020 7:49PM EU PC