Kicked to Character Select Screen multiple times today.

Soul Shriven
It seems no matter what I do today this keeps happening and each time it happens its the same exact thing. The game is filled with nothing but lag. Go into cyrodiil, my abilities get stuck and I can't bar swap. Whatever ability I'm trying to cast (across multiple different toons) looks like its stuck halfway and doesnt finish. I'm then forced to go defensive and I try to bar swap, what do you know I cant bar swap. So I have to kite and run off, but since my abilitys stuck I cant heal or shield, roll dodges dont work. I end up dying, Doesnt allow me to res up anywhere, I had someone res me, I cant accept the res. Shortly after I die, I get a load screen. I didnt dc, I was booted to the character select screen while I was dead... Okay, weird. Maybe I'll stay out of cyrodiil. So I go to do bgs. Same exact thing happened. Ability stuck, couldnt bar swap or roll dodge, dead. Couldnt release. Character screen about 20 seconds later. I log into another toon, try a bg again. Same exact thing. Okay, I'll reinstall the game. Reinstalled the entire 80GB or so game (whatever it is on xbox), come back 3 hours later when its finally finished. log back into my original toon I was on the first time. BGs kick me to the screen again. Okay maybe its PVP, so I go on my Magcro and start doing Normal Maelstrom for plunder skulls. Happened again. I'll tell you what, being an 810 Magcro with Iceheart, Harness Magicka, and Spirit mender dying in Normal Maelstrom is pretty embarrsing. Okay well I'll do overland bosses in Ghratwood. Same thing again. Cant bar swap or roll dodge, world boss with 10 other people stuns me and i cant break free or anything. Die. Cant res. Character screen.

Can anybody explain what I'm supposed to be doing in this game if I cant do a single thing without this garbage happening? ZOS I want to play your game, I have hundreds and hundreds of hours invested over the years. Can you guys atleast tell me what I can do that wont cause me to lag out so I can enjoy some aspect of this game?
Edited by ZOS_Icy on March 4, 2024 6:12PM
  • Cantinee
    Soul Shriven
    Update. It's happened 3 times more now. Eso plus has been canceled. Atleast my yearly subscription was just renewed last week and I am still able to cancel it. Hope the state of this game changes soon. Take care y'all.
  • ZOS_Bill

    The recent maintenance today may have helped resolve this issue if you still decide to log in and test things out.
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  • itsfatbass
    I realize this is an old thread but what the OP is explaining has literally been happening to me all day today. Three different BGs now I'm SUDDENLY and randomly thrown to character screen. And no I was not inactive or anything like that, was literally mid combo on a group when it happened.
    ~PC/NA~ Magblade, Tankanist, Healplar, Stamcro, Oakensorc, Healden, Tanknight ~PLUR~
  • JanTanhide
    I had something similar happen. Was in Clockwork city killing the trio world bosses that are accessed through the portal. I don't remember the name of the world bosses but I'm sure most will know which trio it is.

    So finished the boss fight and go back to the portal to go up and instead of ending up in Clockwork city when the animation finishes I'm looking at the login screen for ESO. It had logged me completely out of the game.

    I've never seen that before. Logged back in and logged in on that character and I was right back at the portal to go topside again from the world boss location. It worked as expected that time and I was topside. No issues since this happened about 4 or 5 days ago iirc.
  • ZOS_Icy

    We have closed this topic as it was originally created in October 2020. In many cases, it's better to create a new thread on a topic that you want to discuss as opposed to bumping one that is rather old.

    Thank you for your understanding.
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