The more I play it seems like the ESO community is like an onion with layer upon layer in it.
During my ventures I have learned a few spots that might be of interest to the broader community.
I'm still learning so if you can add to the list, please do!
-Forming Trial groups (12 man content) Location: Craglorn, Belkarth City
-Roleplayers - Inns in Riften will occasionally have meet ups if you want some immersive chats
-Dragonhunting - Southern Elseweyr is extremely active, groups are traveling between wayshrines hunting the nearest dragons
-Dolmens - Alik'r Desert seems to be the spot for Dolmen farming for XP in groups typing +dolmen to join
-Duels (PVP) - Bergama Wayshrine (Alikr Desert) seems to be the meet up spot if you want to test your build against strong players
-Group Dungeons - Besides using the dungeon finder it seems people try to form dungeon groups near the Undaunted Enclaves, especially Grahtwood seems to be a prefered spot
I have heard rumors that Reaper's march or Riften might be a good spot for people looking for werewolves or vampires to help them but I'm not too sure....
Any other interesting community meet ups for specific content in the world of ESO's Tamriel you've discovered?
I'm on PC EU server btw so if any of these places are different on other servers let us know!
Edited by Grandchamp1989 on October 24, 2020 9:37PM