"Collectibles Limit" - Wow. Just.... Wow.

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Sfter all these years playing this game and not caring about housing, I finally decide to take the leap and fork over that much gold for Forsaken Hideout, and for the first time I'm thinking, "hey this is kinda cool".

I just burned 10k in the crown store for the merchant and banker, and the first thing I wanted to start doing was bringing the place to life and have my own "team" (for RP purposes only) to help me build the place, which means I need the merchant and banker to start buying and organizing the purchase of furnishings and such, I need a guard (the solitude guard from the store as well), I had the smuggler from the thieves' guild to help me get some deals with his "connection"s.....

Anyways I won't bore you with my own role playing head cannon stuff. Long story short I started placing a couple horses in the stables with various NPCs and making paths for them, I even placed down my pack rat NPC to accompany my khajiit smuggler, I was thinking I'd place a few house pets and even a couple mounts to wander around to make things lively.

I'm barely 15 minutes into this and I already get a message that I am putting too many collectibles, and now I can't place my scholar and librarian NPCs in the house portion. So I'm right now sitting here in a giant, empty house with literally nothing in it and the game is telling me that I already have too much.

This is ABSURD. My disappointment cannot be understated. After all these years I finally gave this thing a chance, and I really WANTED to give this system the benefit of the doubt, even though I have a very cynical view of crown stores and cash shops in general in video games. This just once again solidifies how utterly idiotic this stuff is.

I just spent the equivalent of almost 150 dollars of real life money, the equivalent of two entire, full AAA video games, and you're telling me I can't even place a few NPCs in this MASSIVE player home without running into some arbitrary limit?

Yeah, if I wasn't cynical enough before, this just solidifies my cynicism three-fold. Three digits worth of real-world money and you won't even give me a small handful of NPCs before blocking my enjoyment of your content.

Oh, and I forgot to mention the fact that I'm also an ESO+ member of several years, and I paid full price for every expansion so far. So apparently thousands of dollars of real-world money doesn't buy me more than a dozen collectibles in my virtual home.

This is outrageous.
  • Dahveed
    On a related note, you can just imagine how this will disincentivise me from buying any future collectibles from the store. If they add more NPCs like Jorn, what could possibly motivate me to buy it? I'm not going to buy 6 different houses just to make use of collectibles that have no value other than cosmetic.
  • VaranisArano
    I'm sure its disappointing to not be able to decorate exactly as you please. You can read up on ZOS' most current statement on the matter here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/512076/february-2020-furnishing-limit-status-update/p1

    This part of the post may speak directly to your concerns:
    "Different categories of furnishings generally have different performance impacts. Special Collectibles are more impactful than Traditional Furnishings, while Collectible Furnishings tend to have less impact than many Traditional Furnishings.
    We know not everyone is satisfied with the ratio between these furnishing types—these are set to strike a balance between the various needs people have. We could change this ratio, but any improvement to one group would negatively impact another group. We have no plans to adjust the balance between the different caps at this time."
  • Luke_Flamesword
    There are two things that you can't buy with money - true, honest love and bigger furniture limits in ESO. This is how it is.
    PC | EU | DC |Stam Dk Breton
  • Dahveed
    Performance, shmerformance.

    I should have the freedom to tank my framerate if I want to, according to my own PC specs.

    They could just add a warning or something once you get past a certain threshold, like "adding too many animated collectibles (i.e. NPCs with pathing) may negatively impact performance. Proceed?

    Personally I play this game in a completely anti-social manner, BUT if players were to visit other homes, you could simply place a warning before the player enters a home that is particularly stacked with tonnes of stuff (i.e. "This home has surpassed the recommended furnishing limit by a significant degree, and your performance may vary depending on your system specifications. Proceed?")

    I don't care about performance and framerate when I'm in a home that is purely cosmetic, offers no actual gameplay, and will probably never have a single player visitor... it's purely for roleplay.

    I use Helgen Keep as my base when I'm playing TESV:Skyrim using Helgen Reborn and about 3 or 4 dozen follower NPCs I have parked there using various mods. My fort is huge and is heavily populated, and my framerate tanks completely. But I don't care because it's fun... When I see the performance getting too ridiculously bad I just grab a team of those NPCs and move them elsewhere, it's my choice.

    When will developers realize that WE WANT THE CHOICE to do what we want, and don't like being hand-held? If I want to destroy my performance with more NPCs that should be MY CHOICE.

    I don't care if my fps drops into the teens, because no gameplay is even happening, and because it would be awesome to see a bustling fort with my mounts, pets and NPC followers carrying out their schedules.

    Now I just have a big empty lifeless fort I spent over a million gold and something like 16000 crowns on... All for this big letdown...
  • Jaimeh
    Yes, the limit on special collectibles is terrible, especially given how many mounts and pets currently exist in the game. It makes the introduction of house guests less exciting for the same reason. OP, you can try writing a ticket, explaining you were unaware of the limitations, and see if you can get a refund, might be worth a shot.
  • Dahveed
    Jaimeh wrote: »
    Yes, the limit on special collectibles is terrible, especially given how many mounts and pets currently exist in the game. It makes the introduction of house guests less exciting for the same reason. OP, you can try writing a ticket, explaining you were unaware of the limitations, and see if you can get a refund, might be worth a shot.

    Thanks for the suggestion about the ticket, I just might do that...
  • Jaraal
    There are two things that you can't buy with money - true, honest love and bigger furniture limits in ESO. This is how it is.

    Conversely, only three things in life are certain: Death, taxes, and arbitrary housing limits in ESO.
  • SickleCider
    Their explanation for the furnishing category limits seems flawed. See what happens when you place 200 glowbushes in a small area. Lots of the traditional furnishings seem to be much more taxing, with animations, lighting, and AFX.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • VaranisArano
    Their explanation for the furnishing category limits seems flawed. See what happens when you place 200 glowbushes in a small area. Lots of the traditional furnishings seem to be much more taxing, with animations, lighting, and AFX.

    I'm confused. Isn't that what they said?

    "Special Collectibles are more impactful than Traditional Furnishings, while Collectible Furnishings tend to have less impact than many Traditional Furnishings."

    Unless I'm misunderstanding them or you, it seems to go Special Collectibles -> Traditional Furnishings -> Collectible Furnishings in terms of highest to lowest impact.

    Which I suspect means that Collectible Furnishings get the short end of the stick. Obviously people want lots of traditional furnishings for regular decoration and want to show off the nice Special Collectibles, so those squeeze down the available slots left over for the Collectible furnishings category.
    Edited by VaranisArano on October 26, 2020 2:06PM
  • PrimusNephilim
    That was my reaction too when I first started housing projects 4 years ago......sadly it ain't gonna change my friend

  • SickleCider

    I'm confused. Isn't that what they said?

    "Special Collectibles are more impactful than Traditional Furnishings, while Collectible Furnishings tend to have less impact than many Traditional Furnishings."

    Unless I'm misunderstanding them or you, it seems to go Special Collectibles -> Traditional Furnishings -> Collectible Furnishings in terms of highest to lowest impact.

    Which I suspect means that Collectible Furnishings get the short end of the stick. Obviously people want lots of traditional furnishings for regular decoration and want to show off the nice Special Collectibles, so those squeeze down the available slots left over for the Collectible furnishings category.

    What I meant is that a lot of those traditional furnishings can be just as if not more taxing than the collectible and special ones.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
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