For the past several days the ESO Launcher has not been opening properly and at times stops responding. It is trying to get to a patch but it just stalls and then errors out. I tried the Repair button, but it stalls and errors out as well. I doubled checked all of my settings and made sure that the Launcher is on my anti-virus software white list. I can use other pieces of software and the system does not bog down while the Launcher is just sitting there attempting to startup. So it isn't a memory problem. Below are screenshots I took during the Launcher trying to do anything. I also had the Taskmanger up as well so you could see it was not the memory or HD that was stalling the process. Image 1 & 2 is from starting the ESO Launcher and Image 3 & 4 is when I hit the Repair button.
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4