Any time I go to close the launcher for ESO after playing for an extended time I am required to either click the small x in the corner, or force close the application through task manager.
-when I right-click the tray icon nothing happens. (Never works)
-when I right-click the taskbar icon and click close, nothing happens. (Only works shortly after launcher/game have been started)
-when I press alt-f4 with the ESO launcher window in focus, nothing happens. (Only works shortly after launcher/game have been started)
Typically I would consider this malicious, here I am going to give the benefit of the doubt and guess it is some sort of bug.
No other programs I am running exhibit this activity, it is isolated specifically to the ESO Launcher (Not the game-client itself) that comes up after clicking Play for the game on Steam.
Edited by ZOS_Bill on October 19, 2020 5:58PM