when I first started eso it felt like it had a great community. it still feels that way, but it also feels like it became a bit more toxic. and I dont think it is the players fault! It is a direct psychological continuation of players being frustrated by the game. the game frustrates them, they release it on other players, that in turn become more frustrated, and the cycle continues. even those that are not going to let their frustration out on other players, they are less likely to be positive to other players because they are frustrated themselves.
Please create a better and healthier game. it will help it to live in the long run.
- trading. more tools for guild trading management. putting aside all the bugs, trade guilds are the backbone of the economy. but currently they dont have the tools to run them properly, add to it the huge amount of bugs and "donation" fees going into the air, creating a lot of unwanted tension in them. as someone said in another thread, you chose the trading system as it is. you have the obligation to provide the tools for it.
- social aspect. guilds in this game are very "basic". there are not many functions you can do with them. if you want to join a guild, for trading, trialing, even RPing, or just hang around, usually, to commence in the thing you wanted to do, you will have to use external programs to make it work. most commonly used, discord, but a lot of your player base cant/dont want to use it. therefore you need to provide the tools to do it.
- this one is probably gonna get a lot of hate, but I am gonna say it. we need more ingame TOOLS to bridge between better and worse players. we need more tools to help players get better. while eso logs was a huge step forward, it is again, making use of external programs. it is not enough.
- bugs. biggest feature of the game, has become too dominants, whenever a relatively inexperienced player tries them he is slammed not only with random pugs that are already frustrated with the bugs, but with the bugs themselves. you cant build a healthy endgame community without endgame properly working.
- official requirentes for roles
- a way to improve yourself without needing a group.
- one of the biggest aspects of the game is the elder scroll experience itself, of exploring, questing, and yes, imagining you are part of the TES universe. and again, it requires external tools to rp with other people.
it is great that you can everywhere and do whatever you want, but the whole game being the same difficulty ruins the experience for some. i am not saying make overland harder, i am saying we need the option to higher the difficulty up. a lot of balance thought will need to go into such a project, but it will also help bridge "endgame" players with others.
- add up to 5 additional "optional" roles. guildies would be able to ask join these roles from the guild's representatives, and therefore be up to date on their favorite activities related to those roles. each role will have a unique tab for it in the guild, with unique non deleted chat (that you can load earlier interactions), guild house link that lets you teleport into a specific player's house, a voice chat and MoTD.
- the ability to mass mail all guildies, specific roles, etc. obviously without getting socially banned.
- sale tracker for every member for the guilds with trader. with the option for guild leaders to "post" top 10 sellers. records would go on the previous week, and this week's sales only. only viewable by the player's themselves, and high ranks in the guild.
- donation and raffle options. these are very popular things that are being done in a lot of guilds, especially trade guild ones, terms should be updated weekly on the next week to avoid "cheating players out of their money" (that for some reason some players are sure GM's are doing).
- as I mentioned earlier, guild house option. in addition to a base for every one of the 5 optional roles, the main guild should have 3 houses available as "guild houses".
this will let trading, rping, dungeoning, trialing, etc, have a real place in ingame guilds, instead of relying on external programs that not everyone are willing to do.
- fixing all the bugs. there is nothing more to say about it. it is a big issue. the veteran players are the ones that introduce less experienced players to the end game. and currently one of the things that get to the "next" generation is "bug ridden". and they are very fast to realize, it is true.
- more thought into combat features in pve. there are a lot of fights that are full of mechanics that cripple specific classes (biggest example is the fire purgable mechanic in Icereach, it is crippling wardens compared to other classes, because they are forced to drop their sustain major buff skill), or just leave stuff to RNJesus to decide (biggest offender, moongrave fane gragoil boss, if all projectiles at the 4th geyser stage decide to hit a squishy dd/heal, chances are 3/256, a bit more than 1%, he is almost destined to die, if he didnt block/ dodge by chance at that moment, which they cant do throughout the whole phase).
- more tools for players to analyze their own performance. the game needs ingame combat metrics, with enough information to check your performance.
- ingame proper role tutorials. with different difficulties. and base requirements. this will help with the biggest issue currently plaguing the forums and group finder, fake roles. it will also feature base leveled a bit underpowered gear, that will help people get base not so good gear that will be much better than random pickup items they find on the way.
- with the guild change it will be possible to have RP hub for one of the roles of the guilds, which will give it a big boost, but I dont think it is enough. add option to link your own house in chat. people should have the option to invite other's to a specific house of theirs. and then RP to their heart's content there.
- needs a slider, or at least an npc that can "curse" you with a double edged higher rewards lower strength curses. the more rewards will be just a bit more gold, and higher tier of drops (still up to purple anyway though). going for lower difficulty should still give more or less the same rewards (because you kill things faster) so the extra rewards should only be boosted to bridge the total rewards you are gaining by being cursed to more or less the same at the end of the day.
additional additions:
- add up to 5 character "templates" for each character, letting them preform few roles, or swap between different gears on the fly. original template and 1 free one for each character, with each additional template costing 1500 crowns in the crown store.
- add servers not on the original servers to hold up all the additional information, information servers if you want to call them, put all the new chats, logs, and information on them. it is a social game after all, to have additional social focused servers should be great, do not add them to the current servers location, because it seems like it cant take the incoming and outgoing information as it is.
- remake the anti cheat engines to put less strain on the servers, and then add low payment small team to work as banning administrators to rid of cheaters (just like the forums admins). with more logs of everything it would be much easier too.
- fix the forums too... double posts (dont let person post twice in the spawn of 10 seconds, shouldnt be hard to program...) and other small bugs too...
ESO is a great game. but still lacking in some social aspects that 1 year old mobile games have. lacking a lot of very basic functions in the game. ESO is will be 7 years old next year. 7 years old game. There is no excuse to not have so many features that would make the game much better. I know that all of these are my own opinion, but I am sure some of them spoke to you specifically. because I know most of you here would love to see eso being even better than what it is.