Even if you're a really bad player you could run with a 40+ ball group and never take a hit while earning similar amounts of AP to a good player
change my mind
MorganaLaVey wrote: »i wonder how many of the people who say Healer is easyer then DPS have ever realy playd healer
Met lots of good DPS who were just crap healers they are prob the ones who say its easyer and its not even taken sets like Zen or MK in account
MorganaLaVey wrote: »i wonder how many of the people who say Healer is easyer then DPS have ever realy playd healer
Met lots of good DPS who were just crap healers they are prob the ones who say its easyer and its not even taken sets like Zen or MK in account
MorganaLaVey wrote: »i wonder how many of the people who say Healer is easyer then DPS have ever realy playd healer
Met lots of good DPS who were just crap healers they are prob the ones who say its easyer and its not even taken sets like Zen or MK in account
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
MorganaLaVey wrote: »i wonder how many of the people who say Healer is easyer then DPS have ever realy playd healer
Met lots of good DPS who were just crap healers they are prob the ones who say its easyer and its not even taken sets like Zen or MK in account
Based on comments, theres a lot of "healers just have to keep a heal or two up". Thats the same as those garbage tier dps who jut mash keys.
If you're using actively potting top end potions on cooldown as your baseline for DPS, the equivalent healers are juggling a 9-10 ability cooldown priority rotation for keeping up relevant buffs, debuffs, dots, and at least one healing field to proc sets, while, weaving in heavy attacks and spot healing.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
CaffeinatedMayhem wrote: »I think this thread is teaching that many players:
1. Have no idea what a good healer is.
2. Don't know what a good tank is.
3. Don't know that top tier DPS isn't needed for any base game dungeon, and not even to clear vet DLC's. Honestly, you can clear many vet trials with mediocre DPS.
4. Think all those DPS making the finder queue long are animation canceling. Hoo boy, do I have news for you...
MorganaLaVey wrote: »i wonder how many of the people who say Healer is easyer then DPS have ever realy playd healer
Met lots of good DPS who were just crap healers they are prob the ones who say its easyer and its not even taken sets like Zen or MK in account
I play all 3 roles.
The following rankings are in order from easiest to hardest:
Difficulty based on rotation: heals, tank, DPS
Difficulty based on gear (number of sets needed, upgrade costs): DPS, heals, tank
Difficulty based on ongoing cost to play role: heals, tank, DPS (pots are expensive!)
Difficulty based on learning role: heals, tank, DPS
Difficulty based on mastering role: heals, tank, DPS
Difficulty based on situational awareness: DPS, heals, tank
Difficulty based on finding groups: tank, heals, DPS