First off thanks for reading and helping me out I really appreciate it.
I took a 6 month break and have come back to find my stam dk has some issues. I know gear is one of them and I am working on getting the gear I need. Overall the damage seems good I’m not an elite player but I can complete most content. I currently am running off of Alcasts venom build. I want to do more trials and get dungeons but could use some help I think. My main complaint is my sustain is terrible it seems like I am constantly out of stamina and that kills my flow and dps.
I run an imperial stam dk on Xbox and currently run 2x Selene 5x non perfected relequen and 5x lokke. I am working on getting advancing yokuda. I have gear but haven’t improved it yet. I have never been able to beat VMA and at this point have pretty much given up on getting the maelstrom bow. I don’t have the time to really sink into it like I should nor do I have the patience as there are other things I’d rather be doing. Is the masters bow a suitable replacement?
As far as rotation I am basically working off of alcasts rotation but if I add the masters bow I will need to incorporate I think poison injection would it be best to do this by dropping molten whip? Or should I swap something else out?
Any general tips on how to improve my sustain and dps would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Rhaegar Gregorson, The Ebonheart Centurion - Imperial Dragonknight
RABIDxWOLVERINE - Xbox One, NA, Ebonheart Pact