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New arena weapon - Point-Blank Snipe

The updated changing yesterday in PTS .

Before changed
(2 items) Adds 103 Weapon Damage (Perfected Only)
(2 items) Increases your damage done with Snipe by 33% against targets that are within 7 meters of you.

After changed
Point-Blank Snipe: This set now scales its damage between 5% and 33% based on your distances, rather than granting 33% while 7 meters or closer to your target. The 33% is reached when 3 meters or closer to your target, and rapidly scales down to 5% when at 18.5 meters or more from your target.

Yup , it wasn't typo , it was the most shocking mechanics I saw in the past few years .
Not for 2H , dual wield , 1H1S , it's bow .

What I guess next ? 1H1S new mechanics will be maximize the dmg 28 meters away from the target ?
I really don't understand what the team making , why they create the weapon cannot suit its playstyle , not carry effect to other bar , it's instant skill effect .
it's totally lost the advantage of the weapon .
Stepped on last PTS week , too late , nothing will be changed .

I post here bc they never care in PTS forum , we all know .
  • Zeromaz
    I have mained bow/bow for a very long time. This weapon is so sad, i won’t even bother to get one. Its a terrible mechanic
  • BangX
    This will be overpowered for bow melee ganking, with the right setup you could 1 shot anyone with this bow especially if you're a nightblade, it's already possible to do it in the current patch. I look forward to the 1 shotting gank meta next patch.
    Edited by BangX on October 13, 2020 5:29AM
  • thegreat_one
    Sounds like more calculations for our poor server to handle.... wait wait.... were they not just trying to fix this?
  • ccfeeling
    PVE and PVP are two different perspectives, [snip]

    There are too many ez setup for gangers , gang is ez if the targets have no attention 7/24 .

    [Edited to remove Bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on October 13, 2020 12:55PM
  • VoxAdActa
    This is a great way to get those dungeon snipe-spammers to stay in front of the healers.
  • TwinLamps
    Its made for bow ganking NBs only.
    Or for ganking AFK ppl
    Awake, but at what cost
  • barney2525
    Soooo... Snipe, which by all impressions envisions someone hiding from distance and picking off stragglers ... requires one to get within melee range to be its Most effective ?

    You would be charging forward, to get as close as you can ... to use your ... bow.

    I'm missing a bit of immersion here

  • Naftal
    Don't people complaining about this get how broken it would be to buff ranged snipe in any way?
  • scottii
    read the bow passives. this doesn't add as much damage as you think.

    the payer getting two shot wasn't armor buff and could have been running light or medium armor.

    in any case, ganking like that should allowed because it's very high risk/high reward. normally this would not work if a player is completely aware or surrounded by other players.
    Praying the Daedric Gods will make Cyrodiil great again.
  • Luke_Flamesword
    Eh, I still don't like idea of this weapon because Snipe is annoying enough in Cyrodiil and with this it can be only worse. This weapon is perfect in big battles for players who stands close to enemies but behind actually fighting players or from a side. I hate when I meele fight with enemies and than glorious heroes spam me snipe-snipe-snipe and I'm dead. It's toxic almost like proc sets. You can talk about being aware of soroundings, but in big battles when there is a lot going on and we have huge lag, often when you hear snipe-snipe-snipe - you already dead.

    And to be clear - I refuse to wear heavy armor and make another tanky meta character beacuse this is not a solution.

    Also I don't mind dying - it's natural in PvP. I don't like dying to often from brainless spamming one button. It's like this scene from Indiana Jones movie when master swordsman is just oneshoted by Harrison Fords gun :D
    Edited by Luke_Flamesword on October 13, 2020 12:50PM
    PC | EU | DC |Stam Dk Breton
  • Zer0_CooL
    The bow is meant to be used on a gankblade, not for mindless snipespamming from a keep wall. And ganking should only be possible from a close range, to allow at least a minimum of counterplay.
    Edited by Zer0_CooL on October 13, 2020 1:26PM
  • LonePirate
    Another stamina weapon being buffed huh? Imagine that.
  • PizzaCat82
    Snipe would take 3 or 4 shots even with 33% damage, you've got to be combining this with other sets and pots and maybe it they weren't paying attention, wearing heavy armor, had shields, or a full heal that cost nothing...

    This aint going to help NBs that much, honestly.
  • RaptorRodeoGod
    I like that when they tried to make snipe into a melee spammable, they ignored their standard 5 meter melee range. So much for standardization 🙃
    Add a Scribing skill that works like Arcanist beam.
    Veteran players have been alienated and disengaged from Overland since One Tamriel, due to the lack of difficulty, and pushed into dungeons and trials; the minority of content in the Elder Scrolls Online. We can't take the repetition anymore, fix Overland engagement for Vet players. I don't even care if it's not combat related anymore, just make Overland engaging again.
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. Make a self debuff mythic. Literally anything at this point.
  • Zeromaz
    Naftal wrote: »
    Don't people complaining about this get how broken it would be to buff ranged snipe in any way?

    It doesn’t have to be a set bonus that increases damage dude
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