With the amount of things we are getting as special collectables, the latest being houseguests, they need an increase of special collectables cap for houses. Especially since houses seem to get bigger and bigger. Everything that is considered a special collectable so far is: Merchant, Banker, Pets, Mounts, and now Houseguests. It feels disappointing that the max is 10 for ESO+. Most people have merchant and banker as a given taken up 2 slots. Now they've added 3 houseguests which leads to having 5 slots for pets and mounts. I have a rather old bigger house, Princely Dawnlight Palace, and the sheer size of it feels like it should be able to hold more collectables. I think if a person wants to fill their house with many of their collectables such as mounts and pets they should be able to. Especially since there are so many cool ones now. Feelsbad having to be extremely picky of which ones to put out because there are only 5 slots left. I have A TON of mounts and pets so that's rather impossible for me and some other collectors out there. Idk this is just me. Feel free to express your thoughts here as well.