Hey, this is a simple question but first off I love the summerset isles but I feel the homes there aren't so great. None really have a large open area, why is this? You can choose from the free home, Alinor town crest home, or the one that you have to ride a boat to that's nowhere near a city and underground pretty much with an open cave. I would like the see another home hear please a good one near Lillandril with an area outside about the size of a duelling area at least and to look more like the traditional homes outside of Alinor. Maybe in Lillandrill somewhere with a view of the Sapiarch college and of the ocean. Please consider this idea I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way about the summerset homes. I would buy this in a heartbeat, ): I love Lillandril btw I didn't include psijic one bc its nice but outside of summerset in a place with no traders bankers etc so i dislike this.