MurderMostFoul wrote: »DK is still good in BGs, from yesterday:
Anything but DK. Dead class in pve and Cyro, does okay in bgs.
but you don't actually play the DK, you play the 2H executioner and maybe bow poison injection, paired with proc sets.
Even tho DK is good in pvp, it's not the class that it's strong, especially compared to the other classes.
joseayalac wrote: »Haven't played other classes in a while besides Magden but I always have monstrously good results with my Stam DK in BGs, went 29/2 on a macth yesterday and was the best player on my team for like 10 straight matches.
No, I don't play proc sets, I don't have the time to adjust my build every patch.
I think DK is in a good spot rn because healing got reduced so DOTs apply way more pressure now. Ofc my opinion will differ from people that haven't mastered the DK class.