Who hasn't been annoyed from time to time by the things the game prevents you from doing because it says you're in combat when you really aren't. For example. One can't mount their horse if the in combat music is playing. Often especially in a group we can't mount or fast travel even if there is no enemies around because another member may be in combat. You should change is so you can mount or travel as long as you aren't actually taking damage. An NPC that is still chasing you from a mile back shouldn't count as combat. The same should go for picking nodes, opening chests or doors. If I'm not taking damage we should be able to activate such items. While we're on the subject, if an npc is gonna chase us half way across the map at least afford us the opportunity to attack it rather than have it turn around and run back as soon as we offer up any kind of damage to it.
Edited by volkeswagon on September 29, 2020 3:27AM