I've been playing around with the idea of starting a Dwemer themed guild for a while now, and I wanted to put the idea out there to see what kind of interest their might be.
The guild itself would be more on the casual/social side of things with a focus on the following:
- Dwemer, and Dwemer-related, Lore and Discussion - including anything Clockwork.
- In-game Dwemer Exploration/Quests/Crafting/Collectables.
- Role-playing (not something I have a lot of experience with, but I'm still all for it).
- Home building, furnishing, etc.
- Dwemer-themed giveaways, crafting, and trading.
- Out-of-game topics and discussion about machining, metalworking, making in general, ,music, science, etc, are welcomed and encouraged as well.
With the release of Greymoor, we got a ton of Dwemer related content, and it looks like there's going to be even more on the way when Markarth comes out in November. It would great to have an enthusiastic group to share all of that with, and it's always nice to have an extra hammer or two while exploring Dwemer ruins.
If you're fascinated, obsessed, or just curious about the Dwemer, and this sounds like it might be your kind of crowd, please don't hesitate to let me know - either on this forum, PM me, or shoot me a message in-game.
Once I've got a better idea of the level of interest, I'll register the guild in ESO (I've got a couple ideas for guild names, but if anyone wants to suggest one, please do), and setup a Discord if people would prefer that option as well.
Volengar Brass-Fang