I'm usual PvP player in the eso and would like to pay attention of developers to the problem with the healing in current pvp.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »I'm usual PvP player in the eso and would like to pay attention of developers to the problem with the healing in current pvp.
It's not a developer problem, it's players refusing to adapt to change.
Has anyone in this thread thought about changing your build for more sustain/healing ... or bringing a healer for small scale?
Asking ZOS to revert Battle Spirit when they clearly explained the reason for the change in a developer comment isn't going to fly.
Keeping the same pre-Update 27 build (and asking ZOS for a handout) doesn't make much sense either.
It's like players are still living in early July 2020.
Joy_Division wrote: »
Gonna have to disagree here.
Players are very good at adapting from patch to patch. That is why many of us now are so quick to drop our "mains" when ZOS nerfs the crap out of them and instead either roll out those classes least effected by ZOS's sweeping nerfs or just load up on proc sets. This is why forumites every patch scream for ZOS to nerf something they think is overperforming, precisely because players are very good at adapting and using said alleged overperforming stuff. Or at least the ones who are good at the game and use the forums for reasons other than to lobby for nerfs.
What I think you mean is that players refuse to bang their heads against the wall in a futile attempt to play something that ZOS has smashed with the nerf hammer.
PvP balance is 95% a developer problem: players can only choose to use the tools that ZOS gives us, and if the players choose to use abusive proc sets, roll out FOTM builds, or opt not to use underwhelming options, that on the devs.
I can almost guarantee that players have done more than consider bringing a healer for small scale; most have in fact done so since 2014
The problem with ESO healing is that anyone can heal decently well without investing too much into it. With no PvP penalties, I can heal myself from near zero to full with no healing bonuses, in the click of one button, which is essentially free now due to PvP skill rearrangement.
If dedicated healers were squishy and did terrible DPS, then healing wouldn't need to take such a hit. The problem is a healer can tank, DPS, and heal.
If you ask me, untying healing strength from weapon damage, would be a huge step in the right direction. And remove heals based on max HP. This would help untie healing from DPS and tankiness.