Elemental Type Damage Depends on Destruction Staves

This just an I dea inspired by Path of Exile game. Path of exile has a system where you can convert 50% your damage of anytime to any other damge type though passives. Forcexample, you can covert 50% of physical damage to lightning damage, or 50% of fire to poison. As far as I can remember, there was only 1 pasaive that coverts 100% of all type of damage to fire. So you can shoot frost progectile with frost visuals, but it does actualy fire damage and has fire effects. Jumping back to ESO, I thought it is about time to break the barrier between classes. Curently, you can only play embrace the frost mage builds if you only play magicka wardens. Fire and burning? Only magicka dragonknight is best of all. Disease and necromancery? Only stamina necromancer...etc.

I would like to have elemntal skills change their elemntal type depending on what destruction staff you carry. For example, mages guild fire rune does fire damage, if you use ice staff, it changes to ice rume instead of fire rune and deals frost damage. Another example is if have fire staff and lighting splash is slot it on fire bar, it changes to something like fire shower and deals fire instead of lighting damage.

This effect only applies if you use a the skill on equiped destruction staff of said element. This effect works only on elemental types, meaning it will not effect magic damage. Using anything other than destruction staves will revert the skilps to their original forms.

All thought and ideas are welcome.
Edited by universal_wrath on September 22, 2020 12:04PM
  • Mindcr0w
    I dunno about changing any and every skill based on the element of the staff you are wielding, but I've always felt that generic "magic damage" abilities should take on the element of your staff.

    That whole "magic damage" thing when everything else is some form of elemental damage always left a bad taste in my mouth. Plus it would make certain abilities synergize better with your class. Orb becoming a ball of lightning being good for mag sorcs, or becoming a ball of fire being good for mag dks, etc.
  • Vevvev
    If magic damage became the element of the staff you wielded... the vampire skill line would be absolutely crazy Mindcr0w! Just imagine the possibilities like lightning bats, flaming vampiric drain, and cold mist!
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
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