I realise this is a topic being addressed as part of the ZOS performance improvements and I am happy with that.
My suggestion is for times when you just want to login, perform a simple daily task and logout of a character.
When you have a lot of characters to scroll though daily then this login/logout time becomes significant.
For example, 8 characters login/logout just to pick up helper mails takes 14 minutes.
With the passive maxed for 2x a day then this is 28 minutes of gameplay lost. To me the value of the items in all these mails does not equal 28 minutes of gameplay.
These simple daily tasks can be,
- Riding Training
- Item research
- picking up helper mails,
- picking up one or more daily quests,
- etc.
At the moment when a character logs in they have the full UI and game interface presented based on the account settings as well as ZOS game hard coded settings.
My suggestion is to add a tick box against each listed character on the character login screen.
This tick would enable a "light" UI and game interface as well as a reduction of any other background settings to speed up login and effectively the logout too.
I cannot say how much time would be saved through the use of this as it needs testing by ZOS but it does make sense that if there is less software processing and memory usage then the character login/logout times would be reduced.
If you wanted to remain on a character where a "light" UI was selected then /reloadui could be used as a method to reset to the full UI.