DC'd on vAS+2 Clear

Soul Shriven
I submitted some in game tickets, but we had a buggy instance with some spotty behavior, we reset it after 2 pulls, came back in and cleared in the next two but I DC'd at 3% and wasn't able to get back in before they finished. Is there a way to have someone check the logs and get me credit for the clear or am I just screwed and wasted weeks of a prog? I can provide video and logs or whatnot.
  • Starlight_Whisper
    That's super depressing
  • colossalvoids
    Pretty sure they still can't grant achievements through logs or video recording even, it's their policy. There are players with bugged fang focused achievements that can't get destroyer still due to that exact reason.

    On the brighter side if your group was able to clear one time pretty sure you would be able to farm it very soon.
  • idk
    I have seen things mess up with raid clears in other games and their CS took care of it. While I have not seen a similar issue in ESO it is just good customer service to do the little bit of checking needed to verify you were in the group that cleared and at the very least give you credit for your first clear.

    Just make sure to include the names of the other players in your group, server and platform, time with the time zone, and what character you were on. Let them know about any video and other information you have.

    Also, CS is very backed up so it may take weeks before they reply. Post your ticket number in this thread and @ZOS_BillE or one of their sidekicks can make sure it is in the correct queue.

    PS. Make sure to reply to any reply Zos gives, but do not update the ticket otherwise because that will push the ticket to the end of the queue. Creating multiple tickets on the same issue does the same.

    Good luck.
  • apophis999
    Soul Shriven
    Good info, Ticket is # 200916-006928, hoping for some sort of response
  • ZOS_Adrikoth
    Thank you for providing your ticket number @apophis999

    We can confirm that your ticket is in the right place, and a support agent will respond to your latest reply as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
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  • apophis999
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks @ZOS_Adrikoth. The support process basically went
    "would you like a link to documentation on how not to have your game crash" (that's not helpful) to
    "can you send us the video and logs" (twitch video and clips sent) to
    "you didn't earn the achievement because you were offline" (snarky reply) to
    "we're sorry but we don't have the tooling to provide the achievement" (well okay that's an answer)

    If the CS team had just jumped to the last one it probably would have been more palatable, but at least it reached a final outcome promptly.

    The whole "you didn't earn the achievement as you were offline" was a jerk-like response.
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