Hello everyone,
To begin I would like to start by saying this stance is not particularly mine, but is slowly becoming mine.
I recently completed the EP zones on my stamina nightblade. During this time I soloed most of the World Bosses and completed all the side quests associated with each zone. I have to admit, the overland for veteran players is not challenging in the slightest.
With that being said I also understand that overland is challenging for new players who aren't cushioned by CP. So what solution can we make to appease both groups?
My Proposition:
Daedric Curses in the form of a 5 tiered system. These tiers affect the damage you deal, damage you take, xp and gold gains, and quality of loot being dropped.
Curse 1.
Damage Dealt -10%
Damage Received +20%
Gold & XP modifier +25%
Loot Modifier (W/G/B/P/G)
Curse 2.
Damage Dealt -20%
Damage Received +40%
Gold and XP modifier +50%
Loot Modifier
Curse 3.
Damage Dealt -35%
Damage Received +65%
Gold and XP modifier +90%
Loot Modifier
Curse 4.
Damage Dealt -50%
Damage Received +80%
Gold and XP modifier +140%
Loot Modifier
Curse 5.
Damage Dealt -75%
Damage Received +125%
Gold and XP modifier +200%
Loot Modifier
How to access?
There would be a daedric obelisk placed in the harbourage cave after having completed the main coldharbour questions and repelling the planemeld. This obelisk would allow you to change the curse level of remove preexisting curses at will.
Abuse Prevention:
Some of you may have already thought "Why don't I just set curse 5, then have my no curse friends defeat the bosses for me?" Very good observation, in order to prevent this from occuring all groups will be brought up to highest cursed player in the group, and in order for curse benefits to begin the group/player must contribute at least 50% damage to the enemy being attacked.
Suggestive Criticisms:
Then is just a rough draft of my concept. And honestly I haven't looked to see if it's even unique or original. If you have anything to suggest, or any ideas other people have come up. Please link and share them as I would greatly appreciate it.
Edited by Casul on September 15, 2020 7:42PM PvP needs more love.