I know that gap closers in general are out of vogue right now for most classes, but for me I notice I do a lot better when I run one on my Stam DK. For the people that do run gap closers on their Stam DK, what are you using?
I have been using empowering chains oddly enough on my stam DK. For reference I run 5 sheer venom, 5 eternal vigor, 1 malacath, 1 balorgh, 2h front bar, SnB back bar. I have enough mag recovery that running empowering chains and even spamming it is fine. I didn't want to use crit rush/stampede because the guaranteed crit seems wasted since I run malacath. I also was hesitant to use shield charge because that means swapping bars for my gap closer, so that left me with chains...
What do my fellow stam Dk's that do run a gap closer think?