We’ve lived with the new login screen for a few months now. It’s lovely, which is fitting since it prioritizes aesthetics above anything else.
But it’s a lost opportunity to communicate meaningful information to us. We’re capable of reading several lines really quickly, but almost nobody is going to sit and wait for several minutes for a long message to slowly crawl across the bottom of the login page.
Scrolling banners work well on pages designed to spend more time on. That’s why they work so well in broadcasts or videos. It’s a bad idea for a page you’re intended to be on only long enough to enter your password. I still have no idea what the long “AOE testing and IC event” banner says and it’s been up for over a week. I did a poll in my guilds this weekend and found that not one single person admitted to waiting around to read the entire message. All admitted to reading the messages in the old format “at least half the time”.
By my measure, you’ve gone from ~50% effective rate of login communication to 0%. Please bring back a multi-line text area for your announcements.
I’m curious to know if anyone here on these forums prefers the scrolling message to the text block.
Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche