Witches Festival motifs/mementos currently available at Impresario

I don't know if this will last very long or not, (or if someone has already posted about this) but I just logged on to spend my last few tickets before the IC event ended, and I discovered that the Impresario is currently stocking the Grave Dancer weapon motifs, and a new memento themed for the Witches Festival. If you want to get these early (or have some extra tickets to spare) it seems you can grab these now.
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Any idea what the Grave Dancer style looks like. I usually get all the armor style pages during the event. But a lot of the weapon styles are ..meh... so I pass on them.

    Up date: You can find the Grave Dancer style on ESO Fashion site. I can see people using the style for roleplaying, but I don't like it much.
    Edited by starlizard70ub17_ESO on September 14, 2020 4:12PM
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • Teridax941
    Any idea what the Grave Dancer style looks like. I usually get all the armor style pages during the event. But a lot of the weapon styles are ..meh... so I pass on them.

    Yeah they were datamined a bit ago, and are now posted here: https://eso-motifs.mmo-fashion.com/?s=grave+dancer
  • furiouslog
    I just logged on PC-NA to check this and I see nothing from the Witches Festival.
  • Hallothiel
    Consoles only apparently
  • PizzaCat82
    I logged on and nothing is available, witch whistle does nothing either.

    They fixed whatever glitch it was.. or its random on what drops the skulls.
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