Valkyn Skoria set

Did I miss something?I can't seem to get it to proc off of lethal arrow poison tic or applied poisons either. Is it a bug or did they break something?
  • Taleof2Cities
    Remember that it's only an 8% chance to proc, @Augustus67 ... so you could be running into a string of bad luck.

    If you're on PC, you can keep track of it with the Combat Log or Combat Metrics add-on.
  • gatekeeper13
    Augustus67 wrote: »
    Did I miss something?I can't seem to get it to proc off of lethal arrow poison tic or applied poisons either. Is it a bug or did they break something?

    I think there was an issue with Valkyn proc from stamina dots. There was certainly a bug with the set not proc at 8% chance even with magicka ablity DoTs, which was supposedly fixed. Proc rate was more like 1%.

    Also, lethal arrow does not apply a DoT enough to proc the set. Check poison injection and arrow spray.

    Edited by gatekeeper13 on September 13, 2020 9:13AM
  • hakan
    i use it on my stam char with dots etc and i dont have any problem.

    i can even proc them while im dead lol. got 3 kills like that.
  • rumple9
    On my mag toons it's still not proccingas much as it used to. It rarely works now
  • alainjbrennanb16_ESO
    if having issue use illambrus
    Main character dk - Vanikifar whitestrike
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