I hope this is the right place to ask about this. I created an
experimental magesorc build on UESPWiki. All the skills, items, CP, buffs.. are double and tripled check. The basic stats values are spot on. I wanted to check the Light Attack with Flame staff damage which has this forumla.
LAFlameStaff = (round(0.0449528*Magicka + 0.47223*LAFlameSpellDamage - 0.210105) + Skill2.LADamage)*(1 + CP.LAStaffDamage + Skill.LADamage + Set.LADamage + Buff.Empower + FlameDamageDone + DirectDamageDone + SingleTargetDamageDone + DamageDone)
The value for the above is as following:
Magicka 40599
LAFlameSpellDamage 2112
Skill2.LADamage 0
CP.LAStaffDamage 6 %
Skill.LADamage 0 %
Set.LADamage 0 %
Buff.Empower 0 %
FlameDamageDone 9 %
DirectDamageDone 0.16
SingleTargetDamageDone 8 %
DamageDone 0 %
= 3922
Now I presume this is damage
before mitigation. I tested against a 3 million skeleton dummy which should have resistance 18200. As I have spell penetration of 4012, the mitigation should be:
mitigation = 1 - (18200 - 4012) / 5000) = 0.71624
Now damage done to dummy with light attack with flame staff = 3922 * 0.71624 = 2809
However, I am getting a consistent value for damage in-game that is 3144 so there is a huge discrepancy here. Is the formula wrong? mitigation wrong?