I have only 2 characters who ever enter PvP lands. Both happen to be StamDKs but with very different builds and skill lines.
The one (DPS) who is semi-serious about PvP sticks mainly to Cyrodill and there is no issue there.
The other one only goes in for events and tickets. Hes a PVE tank, and as such it seems the more experienced PvP blues and yellows recognize this and will mostly leave him alone to do his business.
But often these events tend to bring out.. well we'll just call them the less experienced PvP players who will jump on any enemy player especially if it has a low PvP rank.
No big deal, happens every event. But this is the first one Ive noticed that a lot of my skills are shut off (as in non-functioning, greyed out on the bar).
This is not lag, or FPS drop. Everything is fine there. I have plenty of resources (always have plenty lol) and it is not some sort of cooldown (I can not use these skills at all).
The skills I know of that arent functional are Shielded Assault, Unrelenting Grip, and the Dragon leap ulti (forget what its called) and while banging the R key wondering why it wouldnt work, I musta accidentally switched bars and hit the werewolf ulti (now that one worked instantly so its not a problem with my keyboard) so deciding to roll with it, I then noticed Brutal Pounce is not functioning as well.
This is not a one time issue, it has happened every time, every day, since event started. Is there any reason we cant use certain skills in PvP?
I realize these skills are not meant for such, they are PVE tank skills but still it be fun for me because right now all I can do when confronted is run around in circles regenerating health and wait for my attacker(s) to get bored and move on. Which honestly is kinda boring to me as well (though Ive been trying to make it more interesting by bringing every daedra I can find into the fight since they are not too discriminate as to who they attack) but even this gets a little boring after a while..
I don't pretend for a minute that I can kill any of these guys (and none of these skills could be considered as OP one shots) so anyone knows why they dont work in IC?