So I recently became a werewolf again and started using it seriously. Its been almost a full year and I noticed that Pounce, Brutal Pounce, and Feral Pounce still occasionally become unusable because of a bug in the ability. The game basically locks the ability from being used as though you're not targeting an enemy even while you are.
Sure we can fix it temporarily by using /reloadui but theres no telling what will happen and using /reloadui can force us out of werewolf form if the load is too long.
Please fix this. Its a real fun killer when it happens and the Unleashed Terror and Sheer Venom build I'm using stops working when the ability locks up.
I'm on Xbox by the way. If you want to recreate this bug just play on Xbox as a werewolf and try to finish a dungeon or two as fast as possible, or even a trial. You'll eventually encounter it.