The Elder Scrolls Online v6.1.6 includes some updates to the Privacy Policy and Code of Conduct that you’ll need to accept upon first logging in, with an overview of what’s changed called out below. Also included are some fixes for the Stonethorn dungeons, some item sets and general gameplay, missing translations in other languages, and more. Also note today is the start of the testing we’ll be performing in Cyrodiil involving Area of Effect abilities; you can read more about these
here. The size of this patch is approximately 94MB.

- Fixes & Improvements
- Chapters & DLCs
- Combat & Gameplay
- Combat & Abilities
- Itemization & Item Sets
- Base Game
- Crown Store & Crown Crates
- Miscellaneous
- UI
Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on September 8, 2020 12:16PM Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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