I've tried everything: reloading UI, porting to player, logging out and back in, changing zones, doesn't matter. Is there anything else to try?
Players disappear and sporadically reappear, but mostly I can't see them even if they're grouped with me. I tried to duel my friend, he could hit me but my LAs went right through him. I'll be in Vivec City and not be able to see anybody. Sometimes NPCs also disappear (Tythis and Nuzimeh mainly) and for some reason Crown Crate Khajiit spawns every time I open a menu and never disappears.
Tried to do BGs earlier, queue never popped after 45 minutes. Now my friend asks me to duel and we can't. Every single day I run into bugs. On paper I love ESO but the day to day experience makes me want to find another game.