ChaosWotan wrote: »All in all, I actually like this patch, though the bad 120-250 ping in Cyro, with a one sec delay in duel combat, is very disappointing. But even that has dropped now from mostly above 200 to usually between 130-160 ping. Will therefore reluctantly say that this patch is a keeper
dinokstrunz wrote: »The only slight glimmer spark of decency from this patch is Stone Gardens dungeon and even that is plagued with lag and bugs. Stonethorn is without one of the most buggiest unplayable patches so far in this games journey.
PvP is unplayable 90% of the time
Trials and dungeons constantly lag out
Castle Thorn has to be one of the most copy & pasted dungeons I've ever seen and the rewards are just copy and paste trash
Proc sets in PvP are too annoying to deal with and they're everywhere
Healing nerf from several patches ago made it stupidly hard to deal with all this proc and dot damage since
Wonky and broken animations on various gap closers, terrible coding resulting in position desyncs and being unable to land melee hits even though I'm right on top of the target (sometimes happens in PvE too) makes melee abilities super frustrating to use
Overall Stonethorn is a disaster of a patch and doesn't even attempt to remedy any of the games growing mountain of problems.
Flashy new (bugged) content > base game fixes of year-long glitches and imbalancedinokstrunz wrote: »Overall Stonethorn is a disaster of a patch and doesn't even attempt to remedy any of the games growing mountain of problems.
Swordancer wrote: »In my opinion this is one of the best patches. Yes there are few wierd changes, like nerfs for sets that suck already but this is one of the best patches becouse it works. It not only works right after release date unlike a few previous ones (character load screen) but also it provides some nerfs and buff in the right place. Lags I belive are never gonna be fixed especially in Cyrodiil where some actions on the server side are the only way to avoid cheatiing so I do not expect PvP to be playable at all.
Servers quality is dictated by the players. As long as they can mentally endure the lags and play anyway, quality of PvP will never change. It is unprofitable to pay more for maintaining servers if the players are playing anyway. More processing power require more money and also other server locations talking to eachother for better response time in other countries which are further from the central servers location.
barney2525 wrote: »I got a nice new mouse ... after smashing the previous one through the desk while playing this patch
so that was good
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »and the Proc-pocalypse is