Hey there. This is a suggestion that I've been meaning to make for a while, and I hope it generates a lot of discussion because I'd like Zenimax to see it and give it some consideration. When Vvardenfell came out, I was extremely excited for the Dunmer-themed content that I'd been waiting for since launch, and while I was very pleased with Vvardenfell I wound up feeling that the armored robes for the Great House motifs were a little disappointing, especially for House Telvanni. I am not a huge fan of all the armored robes in ESO to begin with, but in particular i was hoping for an actual, regular robe to wear on my Dunmer mage. (Recently Zenimax has been a little better about putting nicer looking robes in their light armor motifs, like Honor Guard and Pyre Watch, but I digress.)
That is why I was looking forward to the release of the Telvanni Wizard-Lord robes that some of the higher level Telvanni NPCs wear on Vvardenfell, such as Gothren, Dratha, Therana and others. Here's an image for reference:
However, when they became available for purchase, to my great disappointment yet again, they released a version of the robes with a short cut, similar to the ones Therana specifically wears:
Now, I know a lot of people actually like these robes, and that's fine and good! I am not actually asking to change them. What I am asking for is for Zenimax to consider giving those who have purchased these robes access to a second version with a longer cut, more like an actual robe than like a long tunic or a skirt as it presently exists. They did this recently with the Antiquarian Robes, the reward for maxing out your Antiquities skills. There is a long version:
And then a short version, with a slightly different style:
Both are a reward for completing the skill line. Preferably, since a lot of people have already bought the Telvanni robes, and since the longer version already exists as an asset in your game and you would not need to spend any great amount of time creating it, it would be nice if you could provide the longer version as a free option to those who have the Telvanni Wizard-Lord Robes purchased in their outfits collection. But I'm not foolishly optimistic and if I had to buy them over again for the opportunity to get the longer version, I probably would, if that's what it takes to accomplish this.
If the community agrees with me and thinks this is a good idea, please let me know. I'd appreciate your support, and any suggests from you on how I might be able to attract Zenimax's attention with this. I'm not naive enough to think they read every suggestion on the forums, but I don't really know how to go about garnering publicity for such an idea.