No, average players who do nothing wrong should not be penalized to leaving bad pugs, nor should they be expected to suffer through either to avoid a penalty. If anything, the leave timer should be shortened by a minute every time a dps or healer according to role is the first to take aggro on either bosses or trash before the tank.
If an unnecessary rusher can do 40k+ dps, no problem so long as they aren't messing up quest steps for lower players, but the types who do this (mostly sorcs, wardens 100-300CP IME) almost never pull anything near decent dps. They leave trails of skipped mobs attacking the rest of the team... eh... NM, there's NO rationalization for it, and since COVID, the player base has definitely declined in PUGS in this manner.
Elitist crappiness is a part of all these games, and is unfortunate, but lengthening the penalty timer for leaving creates a whole bunch of other problems on the low-mid game.
LadyNalcarya wrote: »No, average players who do nothing wrong should not be penalized to leaving bad pugs, nor should they be expected to suffer through either to avoid a penalty. If anything, the leave timer should be shortened by a minute every time a dps or healer according to role is the first to take aggro on either bosses or trash before the tank.
If an unnecessary rusher can do 40k+ dps, no problem so long as they aren't messing up quest steps for lower players, but the types who do this (mostly sorcs, wardens 100-300CP IME) almost never pull anything near decent dps. They leave trails of skipped mobs attacking the rest of the team... eh... NM, there's NO rationalization for it, and since COVID, the player base has definitely declined in PUGS in this manner.
Elitist crappiness is a part of all these games, and is unfortunate, but lengthening the penalty timer for leaving creates a whole bunch of other problems on the low-mid game.
Especially since there's so many complaints about tanks not wanting to pug. A tank cannot do anything if there's not enough damage and/or if people don't want to do mechanics. Harsher penalties would mean that even less support players would want to pug.
And it's not elitist to not want to waste your time. It's very disheartening when you actually try to help people only to leave 2 hours later without killing the last boss because you cannot spend a whole evening there.
Swordancer wrote: »I belive game creates such people on it's own. Im not doing quite much dunegons anymore. Trials usually. The reason for that is problems with poeple leaving too soon anfter one, or two fails. Yes I can ask in my guilds and get proper team that won't leave until it's done becouse they feel bad about leaving guild mate but even large guilds has problems with leaving whatever they doing just to help guild member with some dungeon. That makes dungeons being just unpleasant game experience.
Players should be punished, thats it. Otherewise they'll never learn.
You're right about that good player shoudn't be punished for laving group that suck. Even I leave when I know there is no hope for that group but imagine I can find replacment for the team before I leave still doing my job meanwhile.
Would't that be a good thing? I mean penalty don't need to be so long as I suggested becouse this is just my opinion and I would absolute do that. I believe in responsibility and that's because of my character and I understand somone can think otherwise.
I stil think game systems could be easly more fair with that small change.
All joking aside, I absolutely agree that there are situations where it's just best to leave.Thechuckage wrote: »There are dungeons where you can see very quickly if you are going to fail. As the tank, seeing dps or heals trying to rush ahead. Or mandatory mechanics being ignored, hell even just not meeting dps checks (BC2 vet) why should the player be penalized for leaving a failing situation?
As a tank I can help a flagging group (keep some dps skill on bar) but if the group can't/won't meet me half way, I'm going to jump ship.
I bailed on one normal not so long ago it was nICP, low dps group who did not want to listen to how to do the cabbage fight, now they might not speak English but it did not matter, I was tank and was there for the quest skill point.DaveMoeDee wrote: »LadyNalcarya wrote: »No, average players who do nothing wrong should not be penalized to leaving bad pugs, nor should they be expected to suffer through either to avoid a penalty. If anything, the leave timer should be shortened by a minute every time a dps or healer according to role is the first to take aggro on either bosses or trash before the tank.
If an unnecessary rusher can do 40k+ dps, no problem so long as they aren't messing up quest steps for lower players, but the types who do this (mostly sorcs, wardens 100-300CP IME) almost never pull anything near decent dps. They leave trails of skipped mobs attacking the rest of the team... eh... NM, there's NO rationalization for it, and since COVID, the player base has definitely declined in PUGS in this manner.
Elitist crappiness is a part of all these games, and is unfortunate, but lengthening the penalty timer for leaving creates a whole bunch of other problems on the low-mid game.
Especially since there's so many complaints about tanks not wanting to pug. A tank cannot do anything if there's not enough damage and/or if people don't want to do mechanics. Harsher penalties would mean that even less support players would want to pug.
And it's not elitist to not want to waste your time. It's very disheartening when you actually try to help people only to leave 2 hours later without killing the last boss because you cannot spend a whole evening there.
As a tank, agreed. I will stick with some really bad DPS, but there are dungeons where you know they have no chance. I'm pretty much only doing vet though unless leveling a character. I don't know that I've ever bailed on a normal while leveling a character.
No, average players who do nothing wrong should not be penalized to leaving bad pugs, nor should they be expected to suffer through either to avoid a penalty.
No, average players who do nothing wrong should not be penalized to leaving bad pugs, nor should they be expected to suffer through either to avoid a penalty.
Got stuck in a vet FG2 group last night as a healer with dps hat couldnt kill the shadow assassins on the 2nd boss. As in, when I was targeted, they got it to 80%. First attempt got the boss to 90% in 9 tether cycles.
I got 4 warhorns off on the first boss.
I'd have taken any possible penalty to gtfo and never be stuck in there again, but if your options are "waste a lot of time not being able to queue" and "waste a lot of time and money repairing gear because your group cannot kill things", you really dont have an option.
Swordancer wrote: »I know that somone will write about not using dungeon finder to find a team or there will be some strange theories about blaming low DPS or a poor tank but that's not what I want to talk about.
I belive that players should be punished the right way for leaving without others agreement. Like 20-30% of my runs is ending people leaving without even starting beouse some player in the group is under 500 CP. It desn't mean the guy isn't badass DPS, leaving is just rude. There shoud be some option like "Find replacment for me" or something so they can get out when there is actually somone that will take thier place without penalty. Penalty for exit without finding replacment should be much longer, like 1h and it should be longer every time the guy leaves upt to even 24h (let say reset every week or month).
Of course people can ask to be kicked and then wait in one place just to force the group to do that. Kick option should be taken away and replaced withe the same thing, find replacment (require other people agreement). The guy who want to leave need to wait becouse kicking is not an option anymore but he have to wait in the dungeon. Yes he might not play if he is rude but he still need to wait for replacment to do not be punished. I think it will teach people responsibility. This is a minor change, and it could significantly improve the climate dungeon trips with strangers.
fargo_viper wrote: »1 hour... lol
I can't think of a single dungeon you can't complete with any amount of DPS
CasgarTheSomnolent wrote: »In my world, I would only penalize PUG players that complain about others' low DPS. They clearly don't know what they're doing in dungeons if they think that's the problem. I can't think of a single dungeon you can't complete with any amount of DPS and proper knowledge of the mechanics and fundamentals of gameplay.
In fact, in DLC dungeons, DPStards make many fights worse because the mechanics are often health based. So they overlap them and make the group wipe. If you quote my, your, or anyone's DPS to me in a PUG, I will tell to you to shut up, do the mechs, and stay alive.
I can't think of a single dungeon you can't complete with any amount of DPS
Vet Direfrost last boss regen means lack of dps ends up as a wipe due to adds.
Vet FG2 has multiple "burn or die" mechanics.
Those are the two i can think of that arent "your healer eventually wishes for death", which is substantially more.
CasgarTheSomnolent wrote: »In my world, I would only penalize PUG players that complain about others' low DPS. They clearly don't know what they're doing in dungeons if they think that's the problem. I can't think of a single dungeon you can't complete with any amount of DPS and proper knowledge of the mechanics and fundamentals of gameplay.
In fact, in DLC dungeons, DPStards make many fights worse because the mechanics are often health based. So they overlap them and make the group wipe. If you quote my, your, or anyone's DPS to me in a PUG, I will tell to you to shut up, do the mechs, and stay alive.