If you want to play Edward Cullen just equip the arctic rime skin.Please consider adding an option for a vampire character to temporarily assume their mortal appearance. I'm not suggesting anything free, or even something usable in-combat; for example, it could be an out-of-combat toggle that consumes a fixed portion of the character's magicka pool while it's active. Doing so is clearly established in ESO lore as being possible. The reason I'm asking for this is not even that I dislike the vampire appearance as it is (including stage 4), but merely because I want to have more customization options to play with for my main character.
1) "Vampires are monsters and supposed to look scary, do you want to play Edward Cullen?"
Please consider adding an option for a vampire character to temporarily assume their mortal appearance. I'm not suggesting anything free, or even something usable in-combat; for example, it could be an out-of-combat toggle that consumes a fixed portion of the character's magicka pool while it's active. Doing so is clearly established in ESO lore as being possible. The reason I'm asking for this is not even that I dislike the vampire appearance as it is (including stage 4), but merely because I want to have more customization options to play with for my main character.
1) "Vampires are monsters and supposed to look scary, do you want to play Edward Cullen?" - Jeffrey Dahmer or John Gacy are/were infinitely more disturbing and monstrous than a veiny bloodfiend. Part of the reason they were so scary is precisely that they appeared normal or even attractive until they decided to attack you. If everyone could identify a serial killer (or a terrorist, or a r*pist, or a narcissistic abuser, or, well, a vampire) by their appearance, everyone would be far less afraid of such people. Personally, I'm very much in support of vampires being obligatory "monsters" and would make prolonged abstinence from human blood lethal, if we're talking about who I would like to play.
2) "Vampire appearance is a part of the skill line's penalties" - playing a vampire character is not an exploit, it shouldn't be discouraged and punished. Nowhere else in the game are you penalized for making gameplay (or RP) decisions by unrelated restrictions on your appearance customization options. I mean, for Christ's sake, you can even choose to wear revealing light clothes despite actually being in full heavy armor (and I have nothing against people having access to such an option). As of Greymoor, just playing a stage 1 vampire incurs a skill cost penalty while providing zero tangible benefits; surely players are already discouraged enough from being one unless they are truly interested in playing the (sub)class?
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »We should have an Ashen Lord look, where we keep our normal skin but get the glowing red Vampire eyes.
Why does he get to look so special?
Lore wise Elder Scrolls vampires always look vampuric, just some clans/strains are better at blending in than others because of either illusion spells making OTHERS think they look normal or they are very good at persuading others (usually the first one)
Sure, a timed illusion skill would be acceptable that would take X magicka/second to maintain.....but if people don't want to look like a vampire they shouldn't be a vampire...pretty simple, its just one of the many downsides to being a vampire. I really am not sure why people are under the impression that they shouldn't be disfigured by a disfiguring disease. The illusion skill would be a realistic workaround though.
On another note, my tank is a vampire(mainly because I haven't bothered to get cured since they made the changes) and I tend to wear the Amberplasm skin...it seems to negate the vampire look since I don't visually look like one....maybe some skins are a viable workaround for you?
Remember Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim...if you were a vampire you looked like a vampire and people treated you like one...why would this be any different in ESO?
Aye, I agree with ya, but the OP was wanting something Outside of battle and while in Town. Probably to use while working with vendors too, but my way won't work to confuse the vendors.