Enemy-of-Coldharbour wrote: »Don't expect them to be affordable. I predict 5,000 Crowns each.
Lol this is actually a really good point - this huge new system for housing is introduced and people immediately assume they'll have to purchase everything from the crown store.omegatay_ESO wrote: »Lol.... *buy* We have all lost hope of anything being earnable in game. It's sad and pathetic what the gaming industry has become.
robwolf666 wrote: »We have to buy new people? We can't just buy movement tracks and apply them to the horses/pets etc that we already have?
I don't want 'houseguests' though...
I just want my alts lounging about in my mansion
phaneub17_ESO wrote: »I like to hire a Khajiit Butler, maybe some Maids, and a few armored guards.
I'd like to have a few guards for my mansion. But if every single one costs several thousand crowns (or even "just" 500), it probably will never happen. Also, I would like them to be locals and they should have fitting clothing. Which would be the next problem as you can't change their appearance.
Other than that, I'd care more for known npcs from different quests. So far - no one interesting for me. But we'll see what the future brings. I'm sure they'll release more, if the house guest system is well-received generally.
RefLiberty wrote: »
3000 more likely if they will not have any special use (only aesthetic use).
Why so, if Merchants or Bankers which you can actually use and have some purpose are 5K, it would be ridiculous that furniture ones cost the same.
Than again...
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »I rather have some general "guards" of various themes I can place several of, than single individuals like "Solitude Guard Jorn".
I'd much rather have a way of our other characters who are walking around so we can control the look completely. Like in GW1 you can purchase mercenary slots to turn your other characters into members of your party. Sort of stamping them onto a template so at that moment they look like your other characters at least and their names. I'd find that pretty cool and fun to play around with as opposed to some rando NPC. And what the hell goes on at ZOS that they find drunks so amusing?
But I suspect pricing to really make this like a feature they never added. Typically they want to suck all the money up they can they also swallow the fun. Housing prices took my excitement the feature was coming and threw it out the window. Or making furniture so grindy. They really need to get in touch with what's fun because that whole company has been off of late.