DarcyMardin wrote: »I realized long ago there’s basically no point to the PTS.
And RIP Rapids
SeaGtGruff wrote: »If I don't even know what "BFB" stands for, does that mean I won't notice that they killed it?
ZaroktheImmortal wrote: »Yeah they really screwed us over with this update. Several sets get nerfed. Abilities nerfed. And you have to level up the alliance war skill line even more on every toon just to get rapids so your mount can go faster or pay 3000 crowns which isn't cheap. It's like they don't even listen to their playerbase...oh wait.
PizzaCat82 wrote: »
They're talking about vamp skill so I'm assuming Blood for Blood.
ZaroktheImmortal wrote: »I have to wonder if there really is any point to having vampire toons any more I mean they killed the only really good ability on the new skill line and it seems to have even more so more downsides than up. I mean I like the pale look and all but crap.
ZaroktheImmortal wrote: »I have to wonder if there really is any point to having vampire toons any more I mean they killed the only really good ability on the new skill line and it seems to have even more so more downsides than up. I mean I like the pale look and all but crap.
Thing is, b4b shouldn't have went live as it was to begin with, free cost skill (resource wise) is just broken af. The real question is, why did they nerfed it stronger after giving the 5 second no ally heals debuff?
Thing is, b4b shouldn't have went live as it was to begin with, free cost skill (resource wise) is just broken af. The real question is, why did they nerfed it stronger after giving the 5 second no ally heals debuff?
ZaroktheImmortal wrote: »I have to wonder if there really is any point to having vampire toons any more I mean they killed the only really good ability on the new skill line and it seems to have even more so more downsides than up. I mean I like the pale look and all but crap.
Thing is, b4b shouldn't have went live as it was to begin with, free cost skill (resource wise) is just broken af. The real question is, why did they nerfed it stronger after giving the 5 second no ally heals debuff?
For me, it’s not worth being a vampire any more. Almost wasn’t really worth it in the first place, other than running b4b in trials, and scion in pvp was fun. Without b4b it makes no sense for me to maintain vampirism on pve toons. All it gives now is cost increase to skills and increased fire damage taken. Lol. It would actually be stupid for me to be a vampire now. Absolutely no benefit. I suspect I am not alone in this assessment.
For me, it’s not worth being a vampire any more. Almost wasn’t really worth it in the first place, other than running b4b in trials, and scion in pvp was fun. Without b4b it makes no sense for me to maintain vampirism on pve toons. All it gives now is cost increase to skills and increased fire damage taken. Lol. It would actually be stupid for me to be a vampire now. Absolutely no benefit. I suspect I am not alone in this assessment.
SeaGtGruff wrote: »If I don't even know what "BFB" stands for, does that mean I won't notice that they killed it?
pink_panther wrote: »No tweaking. Just copy pasting to live servers.
Did they really test the changes before?
I really don't understand the point of pts If they didn't...
Well Rip Magicka Dks
ZoS dont give a single ** about any comment towards Blood for Blood - maybe tweak the dmg ? - na wasnt a solution.
Just make the skill useless.
Atlest Greymoor sold so they can nerf it again.
Blood for Blood allowed atleast a good magicka sustain on Dk.
But now Dk is a Memeclass.