UntilValhalla13 wrote: »The stuff on the right are armor/weapon traits. Hopefully, whoever made your gear didn't leave that out. Otherwise, they would all be useless.
Sunderling wrote: »Wowowow, I'll have to check. To be honest I haven't looked terribly closely. If that's the case and I am lacking those, is it too late to add them? Do I need to start from the bottom up?
BG has CP disabled. So it doesn't matter in there.
UntilValhalla13 wrote: »You would probably have to swap out some gear for normal trials and harder dungeons. New moon is fine for starting out but eternal hunt is not really great for group pve. You could use hundings rage or something instead, which is also crafted; preferably all medium weight Divines trait for stam.
You would also try to work on a rotation, which is using certain skills in a particular order. If you don't already, work on light attacking before every single skill. Learn the timing of it slowly (on a training dummy if you have access to one), then start to speed up when you get familiar with it. I could go more into detail, and also link relevant videos if you need help in that department.
Yes, trials do drop gear, but there's really only a handful of sets that are actually worth running. Down the road, you could work on farming Vicious Ophidian from normal Craglorn trials, (ideally hel ra citadel or aetherian archive) for more of a starter trial set which has great sustain.
Stuhns is also hella nice on Stamblade when you set people off balance with surprise attack or roll dodge an attack should you want another option to play with.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »You are ahead of most. Alcast is certainly not the end all be all, but it's a heck of a place to start. You are generally doing the right thing. Take one of his guides, give it ago, and look to adapt to your build to your playstyle.
In terms of gear, I would highly suggest that you not spend too much time at your level worrying about the gear grind. Trial gear is rarely useful outside of trial or PVE dungeons. You will want DPS sets for your PVE builds, and maybe some tanking stuff from them, but you dont need it to get started.
If I were at your level and CP and I knew I would be in things for the the long haul, this is what I would do. The reality is that gaining CP is going to be more beneficial (outside of no CP PVP) than gaining better gear. On that note, I would roll a magic nightblade or maybe a magic sorc. A good self sufficient magic DPS for various uses, farming gear sets, grinding CP, and perhaps, learning to play a bit.
Some will disagree, but one of the best ways to learn to play is to tackle Vet Maelstrom Arena (solo Arena). There is some nice gear in there, but I promise you are a much better player on the other side of it. There is also a new solo arena coming out next patch. Magic Sorcs and NBs will have the easiest time. It is also never too soon to start practicing rotations on target dummies. Nothing is more important to a DPS than rotation, not CP, not Gear, not anything. Rotation, rotation, rotation. Nobody pulls 90k without practice.
If someone deleted my account tomorrow, and assuming I planned to get back into eso, first thing I am doing is rolling a mageblade. They are the best farmers, and the best PVE DPS. They do have the highest skill threshold to play, but if you can master a magic NB rotation, you can master any rotation. People laugh, but its almost like lifting weights. Practice a NB rotation for a while and a sorc (or any other) rotation will feel trivial.
The next thing I am doing is leveling a crafter. Nothing terribly difficult here, it just takes time. Start researching traits, so you can transmute, and next patch, reconstruct items you might want. Ultimately you want all 9 traits on everything researched. To get started, you should prioritize the following:
Armor: Impenetrable (PVP) Divines (PVE), and maybe infused(Head chest legs) and sturdy (tanking).
Weapons: Precise, Infused, Sharp, Nirnhoned.
Jewelry: Robust, Arcane, Bloodthirsty, Infused.
The first few traits dont take too long to research, but the more you know, the longer it takes. That is why you should prioritize. You could add training to that list, you definitely should have one DPS set in all training until max CP, but I would make the magic sorc or NB first, and any crafter can make you one set of training gear. Pretty rare you will actually transmute something to training.
I would also make an effort to start taking a stab at daily dungeons, start with normal, then work to vet. Nice thing about a DK tank, you will never wait in line. Tanks are very desirable. That said, I generally recommend you DPS a dungeon first, but certainly not a hard and fast rule, especially if you really want to just be a tank in PVE>