functional titles

I was just watching a Twitch and saw someone with the title 'Roleplayer' - obviously a custom title from the addon - and was probably wearing it ironically... but thought to myself that it might be a nice idea for new players to be given an assortment of functional titles to help them meet like-minded players and create opportunities for fun random encounters.

In addition to 'Roleplayer' there could be things like 'Duel Me', 'Quester,' 'Power Leveller' and whatever else to encourage interaction with the people you meet out in the world.

I met one of my best friends in Uni by wearing a Pink Floyd t-shirt - he saw it and recognized we had something in common, so we started chatting. Same thing here, but in ESO. Yes, of course guilds exist, but there's something special about seeing a random person and saying 'hi' because you have a hunch you might get along.
Mistress of Apocrypha - Master PetSorc

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  • Mettaricana
    Im definitely not against it, but also given eso has a volatile and sometimes toxic playerbase i can see those titles being abused to hell and back like questers or [snip] targeting rpers as sometimes this game runs better on a don't ask dont tell. Now on the main topic would be nice of your said tirles caused server channel phases like turn on quester and it phases you into same instances as other questers same roleplayer be phased into other role players to keep like minded with like minded of course someone will find a way to abuse it..

    Hell yea pinkfloyd

    [edited for profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_Lunar on August 20, 2020 6:33PM
  • LioraValkyrie
    It's a shame you have a point about the potential for abuse. What are we going to do with people, eh?

    And yeah they had instance selection in Guild Wars back in 2005, surely there's no reason it couldn't be implemented here.
    Mistress of Apocrypha - Master PetSorc

    Founder of The Lollygaggers
    Creator of the 1-bar vMA build
    World first solo vFH
    Unchained Altmer Sorc Tank

    Visit me on YouTube! Mistress of Apocrypha ESO
  • Mettaricana
    We already got the phasing in the game hence why you and a friend can be in the same place but not same instance.
  • idk
    While it did not include titles, the original idea Zos had and touted before the game launched was for the RP community to allow them to flag themselves for RP and that the server attempt to put RP players into the same instance. It was a great idea and the RP and would could have benefited other players. This was especially important since we cannot select what instanced we are in. While I do not RP, I know many how do and remember the parties they would have in SWTOR Nar Shaddaa.

    Not long before the game launched Zos ended up balking at this idea (I think because of performance) and said they would find other ways to support the RP community which seems to have never happened. Sadly much of the RP community ended up not coming to ESO or leaving very early because of Zos' clear lack of interest in supporting them.

    BTW, a title would lead to griefing by small-minded players. Zos should have down what was right from the start and make that flag system work or allow us to select specific instances and have an area with instances that could support such comradery.
  • idk
    We already got the phasing in the game hence why you and a friend can be in the same place but not same instance.

    That is only for people who already know each other. OP is talking about a means to facilitate RP members meeting each other.
  • Kosef
    If you don't make an absurdly long name, the naming box gives you a lot of characters to work with. You could potentially have a first and title. John The Baker would work assuming it's not a name taken.
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  • idk
    Kosef wrote: »
    If you don't make an absurdly long name, the naming box gives you a lot of characters to work with. You could potentially have a first and title. John The Baker would work assuming it's not a name taken.

    Name change tokens can be costly.

    However, Zos' original plan or allowing us to select a phase as well as providing a zone with phases large enough to support large groups would be better ideas all around.
  • Syldras
    Kosef wrote: »
    If you don't make an absurdly long name, the naming box gives you a lot of characters to work with. You could potentially have a first and title. John The Baker would work assuming it's not a name taken.

    OP was talking about indicators of what they're up to in the game. Of course you could include "Roleplayer" or "Quester" in your name, but then you'd have it in all dialogues and in-game letters when the char's name is automatically inserted.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
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  • Daemons_Bane
    Custom titles will always be a bad idea, because people
  • Grandchamp1989
    I would love custom titles (with a curse filter of course).

    And then then titles you earn you have a little bit of color in them to make them stand out.
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