Ok, so I have read all over here and other places about Magcros and pretty much everyone feels they suck buttermilk. But...if that is to be believed then why are there so many (maj vuln i get) in trials (ESO Logs) and the damage they are doing is pretty damn good?
So if they really are that bad would not the numbers say as much? Are the ones saying they suck just folks (like me, lol) that suck at playing them?
I mean I could tend to believe the talk if they were bottom feeders for damage so that cant be 100% spot on, can it.
Also trying to understand this for myself as I keep staring one, get to like 30 and it fizzles, because to me they are clunky, BB fires when it gets off the phone or whatever and siphon still spins me 'round, right around baby right 'round......
So yea...anyone able to shed some insight into why if Magcros suck sooo bad they manage to bring it? (palyer skill perhaps?)