Tanking Tames - vBRP

I have tried for completion in vBRP with my group multiple times and have only gotten to stage 4 last round. However, I always seem to have trouble tanking Tames in the last round of the second stage (and fourth stage). I play on Xbox so, there are no add-ons I can install to help with monitoring his "taking-aim" mechanic. It can be somewhat difficult to keep an eye on him while also keeping track on everyone and everything else. One hit from the "taking-aim"; I get an un-purgable bleed that guarantees death. Any suggestions on how to keep an eye on him will tanking the rest of the ads? Any tips on tanking Tames in general?
  • monkey36948
    if you are a DK wings helps immensely if you're a warden same with shimmering the main thing though since you can have an addon is to be keeping block down unless you're actively watching him for tells

    i can't help you in game as i play on pc sorry
  • mobicera
    On ps4 you get a kind of orange glow on you that indicates taking aim.
    If at a decent level of resources you can eat a taking aim on a tank with around 37k hp if near full, however I really don't recommend it, just something to keep in mind if absolutely necessary.
    In 2 I find I just stack everything on tames, when he ports drag the mobs there unless already near death. If you are just holding hajmota away during this time to prevent cleave or unfortunate deaths have one of the 3 dps bash but remember to keep taunt on tames even if holding hajmota away.
    You have about 4 seconds I believe to bash the taking aim, if you see the orange glow and you can't get the bash you can get teammates too?
    In 4 you will need to bash shortly after tames spawns in, after first boss drops we take it a little easy getting rid of wamasu and bugs during this time we stack on tames making bash easy.
    When hajmota and vampire boss(I admit I suck at names) spawn just pull both away from tames.
    At this point the 3 dps just nuke tames and if a bash is required then the dps need to get it.

  • FrancisCrawford
    mobicera wrote: »
    On ps4 you get a kind of orange glow on you that indicates taking aim.
    If at a decent level of resources you can eat a taking aim on a tank with around 37k hp if near full, however I really don't recommend it, just something to keep in mind if absolutely necessary.
    In 2 I find I just stack everything on tames, when he ports drag the mobs there unless already near death. If you are just holding hajmota away during this time to prevent cleave or unfortunate deaths have one of the 3 dps bash but remember to keep taunt on tames even if holding hajmota away.
    You have about 4 seconds I believe to bash the taking aim, if you see the orange glow and you can't get the bash you can get teammates too?
    In 4 you will need to bash shortly after tames spawns in, after first boss drops we take it a little easy getting rid of wamasu and bugs during this time we stack on tames making bash easy.
    When hajmota and vampire boss(I admit I suck at names) spawn just pull both away from tames.
    At this point the 3 dps just nuke tames and if a bash is required then the dps need to get it.

    Does Crushing Shock work for the bash?
  • mobicera

    Does Crushing Shock work for the bash?

  • Noldornir
    I have tried for completion in vBRP with my group multiple times and have only gotten to stage 4 last round. However, I always seem to have trouble tanking Tames in the last round of the second stage (and fourth stage). I play on Xbox so, there are no add-ons I can install to help with monitoring his "taking-aim" mechanic. It can be somewhat difficult to keep an eye on him while also keeping track on everyone and everything else. One hit from the "taking-aim"; I get an un-purgable bleed that guarantees death. Any suggestions on how to keep an eye on him will tanking the rest of the ads? Any tips on tanking Tames in general?

    Ask DDs to bash him.

    in Arena 4 tames will spawn middle-ish early on and take aim in a matter of second: be ready to bash him yourself here.

    Then he'll summon Wamasu and most likely teleport unless DPS is very good; by now the mage should be dead already and the other 3 (be it 3 DD or 2DD+heal) should handle tames AND THIS INCLUDES BASHING.

    You can also use https://eso-skillbook.com/skill/defensive-stance or any other skill that's strong against projectiles (DK Wings, Warden Shield etc.) but that's only if u can actually see what he's doing from your position.

    It also depends on how you are doing the fight; if DDs are ignoring the Haj Mota and nuking the boss you are alone with that overgrown turtle covering your screen and minara so can't rly do it yourself; if the DD are killing the Mota you might want to reposition it close to boss (if the latter teleports) so that u can bash.

    Ideally if u place like this you can easily bash him while taunting the mota:

    MOTA> <you <TAMES

    the </>/^ show the facing directions: this way DD can go full DPS on mota without hurting james (which would summon minara)

    This is also true in arena 2 as it might be even worse (for tank) if you decide to keep alive the minis and go full DPS on boss
  • TheRealDrRat
    Noldornir wrote: »

    Ask DDs to bash him.

    in Arena 4 tames will spawn middle-ish early on and take aim in a matter of second: be ready to bash him yourself here.

    Then he'll summon Wamasu and most likely teleport unless DPS is very good; by now the mage should be dead already and the other 3 (be it 3 DD or 2DD+heal) should handle tames AND THIS INCLUDES BASHING.

    You can also use https://eso-skillbook.com/skill/defensive-stance or any other skill that's strong against projectiles (DK Wings, Warden Shield etc.) but that's only if u can actually see what he's doing from your position.

    It also depends on how you are doing the fight; if DDs are ignoring the Haj Mota and nuking the boss you are alone with that overgrown turtle covering your screen and minara so can't rly do it yourself; if the DD are killing the Mota you might want to reposition it close to boss (if the latter teleports) so that u can bash.

    Ideally if u place like this you can easily bash him while taunting the mota:

    MOTA> <you <TAMES

    the </>/^ show the facing directions: this way DD can go full DPS on mota without hurting james (which would summon minara)

    This is also true in arena 2 as it might be even worse (for tank) if you decide to keep alive the minis and go full DPS on boss

    Yes, we are did the 3 dps with burning tames without worrying too much about burning the haj mota. This allowed the dps to focus on bashing Tames when needed. The strat you mentioned really works best in this situation. Thank you for the reply.

    Thanks for all the replies everyone, very insightful and helpful.
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