Can ZOS hire some activision developers or something? What is this MMR and BG matching system?

Today I've played 6 battlegrounds and I have YET to be put on a 4-person team. What is going on here? Is the algorithm for matching SO bad that you can't form a full 4 man team or AT LEAST make the people on the team higher MMRs?

I keep having to play 3-man matches with a bunch of 0 kill scrubs. WTF?

  • Ri_Khan
    I would just press F. Problem solved.
  • Sylvermynx
    Hoo boy....
  • Rtzon
    Next game... 3 man team again. That is SEVEN IN A ROW NOW!

  • ccfeeling
    Guild Wars 2

    Primary article: PvP Matchmaking Algorithm
    The PvP matchmaking algorithm is the Glicko2 matchmaking rating (MMR) and helps match players with other players with similar skill levels.
    It is used to place players queueing for Ranked and Unranked arenas.
    The metrics used during matchmaking include: rating, rank, party size, profession, ladder position, and dishonor.
    Players can search for parties for Unranked and Ranked Arenas in categories in the Looking For Group tool.

    Games will no longer autobalance after one team has reached 80% of the maximum score if the game ends by score.
    Games will no longer autobalance when within two minutes of the end of the game if the game ends by time.
    Autobalance functionality has been updated to give a new volunteer bonus to any players who volunteer for balancing, as well as giving any players balanced the winner bonus. When volunteers are lacking, random selection will be used.
    Volunteer Rewards gives volunteers guaranteed win credit, even if they end the match on the losing team. Volunteers also receive a 25 rank points bonus. [verification requested]
    Dishonor is a system to prevent players from joining unranked and ranked arenas after player misconduct, such as leaving or not participating (AFKing) in matches. Each instance of undesired behavior will immediately result in a timeout and increase the player's dishonor stat. Frequent misbehaving will result in increased duration of timeouts.

    The dishonor system also includes a protection system and entitles the match in the players history accordingly, if one of the parameters applied.

    Desertion - You disconnect the game: You will be punished by the dishonor system.

    Byes - One or more players of the enemy team disconnect from the match: You will get less rewarded for winning.

    Forfeits - One or more players from your team disconnect the match: You will get no punishment.

    Win/Lose ratio
    Taking above parameters in consideration, a players W/L ratio can be calculated with the following formula:

    totalGames = wins + losses + desertions + byes //forfeits do not count as win or lose, making it invalid for the formula.
    winRatio = ((wins + byes)/totalGames)*100 //win ratio in %
    lossRatio = ((losses + desertions)/totalGames)*100 //lose ratio in %
    wlRatio = winRatio/lossRatio //W/L ratio as a float.
  • Firstmep
    Unfortunately, the devs after 6 years haven't realized that some people want to play pvp competitivly.
    For them bgs are just a "fun" side activity like 4 man dungeons.
    The mmr system we have absolutely doesn't care about ones skill level, only matches played.
    Also, last night I had a game start where 2 of the "teams" each had 1 player.
    Anyway their queueing system is a mess, always had been, and I don't think they care enough about bgs to change it.
  • Miragent
    Rtzon wrote: »

    I keep having to play 3-man matches with a bunch of 0 kill scrubs. WTF?


    Look where the "scrub with the most kills" is in the standings. Maybe check the battleground mode and objectives before calling people scrubs. Or maybe you're being teamed with "scrubs" because you belong with them.
  • Rtzon
    Miragent wrote: »
    Rtzon wrote: »

    I keep having to play 3-man matches with a bunch of 0 kill scrubs. WTF?


    Look where the "scrub with the most kills" is in the standings. Maybe check the battleground mode and objectives before calling people scrubs. Or maybe you're being teamed with "scrubs" because you belong with them.

    My score is 3rd out of everyone in the match (I'm Necrozon)... I capped 5 flags and defended many more. It's hard to cap more flags when I'm the only one capping. I'm not even saying I'm good, which is exactly why I don't know why I keep getting put on 3-mans.


    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Lunar on August 5, 2020 12:42PM
  • Miragent
    Triggered. yDVacrx.png
    Signed, 0 kill scrub.

    Though the system is *** up and it sure is hella frustrating, to be put on an incomplete team or get thrown in a losing team midmatch.
  • Jellybean
    theres a thread about this in the BG forums right now. From a recent game of mine:

  • Rtzon
    Miragent wrote: »
    Triggered. yDVacrx.png
    Signed, 0 kill scrub.

    Though the system is *** up and it sure is hella frustrating, to be put on an incomplete team or get thrown in a losing team midmatch.

    Nice job. 0 kills isn’t bad at all if you’re playing the objective. I’d prefer that over kills honestly. But having 0 kills and not even capping flags (like in my SS) is a massive loss
  • the1andonlyskwex
    Edit: I decided my post made me sound like a bigger jerk than I actually am. Sorry to whoever agreed with me.

    In general, I think people need to pay more attention to the game mode before complaining about BGs. In modes other than deathmatch, kills don't necessarily help your team, and having a lot of them is often a bad sign rather than a good one (because it shows you're not playing the objective).
    Edited by the1andonlyskwex on August 5, 2020 1:46PM
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