TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »I'll keep it simple, playing healer these days feels a lot like playing a low budget DPS. Between managing five dots for zen, or using a nightblade to incap then heavy attacking with a nirnhoned inferno for RO, healers feel a lot like playing a mag DPS that justdoes really low damage. Let be be clear I'm not saying that I want to do nothing but spam springs and orbs during trials, but the fact that playing a healer and playing a DPS feels so similar is beginning to be a turn-off.
amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »I'll keep it simple, playing healer these days feels a lot like playing a low budget DPS. Between managing five dots for zen, or using a nightblade to incap then heavy attacking with a nirnhoned inferno for RO, healers feel a lot like playing a mag DPS that justdoes really low damage. Let be be clear I'm not saying that I want to do nothing but spam springs and orbs during trials, but the fact that playing a healer and playing a DPS feels so similar is beginning to be a turn-off.
This game is centered around DD's and it is frustrating.
DD's are in a race with each other to crank out the highest possible dps and just want to burn.
Healers are seen as a liability because that is a spot that can be filled by more DD's
Tanks are used to throw on damage sets that the DD's don't want to wear, and tanks keeping themselves or their group alive is seen as "selfish"
It's absolutely ridiculous and kinda disrespectful to those of us that enjoy playing support roles.
amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »I'll keep it simple, playing healer these days feels a lot like playing a low budget DPS. Between managing five dots for zen, or using a nightblade to incap then heavy attacking with a nirnhoned inferno for RO, healers feel a lot like playing a mag DPS that justdoes really low damage. Let be be clear I'm not saying that I want to do nothing but spam springs and orbs during trials, but the fact that playing a healer and playing a DPS feels so similar is beginning to be a turn-off.
This game is centered around DD's and it is frustrating.
DD's are in a race with each other to crank out the highest possible dps and just want to burn.
Healers are seen as a liability because that is a spot that can be filled by more DD's
Tanks are used to throw on damage sets that the DD's don't want to wear, and tanks keeping themselves or their group alive is seen as "selfish"
It's absolutely ridiculous and kinda disrespectful to those of us that enjoy playing support roles.
TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »I'll keep it simple, playing healer these days feels a lot like playing a low budget DPS. Between managing five dots for zen, or using a nightblade to incap then heavy attacking with a nirnhoned inferno for RO, healers feel a lot like playing a mag DPS that justdoes really low damage. Let be be clear I'm not saying that I want to do nothing but spam springs and orbs during trials, but the fact that playing a healer and playing a DPS feels so similar is beginning to be a turn-off.
TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »I'll keep it simple, playing healer these days feels a lot like playing a low budget DPS. Between managing five dots for zen, or using a nightblade to incap then heavy attacking with a nirnhoned inferno for RO, healers feel a lot like playing a mag DPS that justdoes really low damage. Let be be clear I'm not saying that I want to do nothing but spam springs and orbs during trials, but the fact that playing a healer and playing a DPS feels so similar is beginning to be a turn-off.
TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »I'll keep it simple, playing healer these days feels a lot like playing a low budget DPS. Between managing five dots for zen, or using a nightblade to incap then heavy attacking with a nirnhoned inferno for RO, healers feel a lot like playing a mag DPS that justdoes really low damage. Let be be clear I'm not saying that I want to do nothing but spam springs and orbs during trials, but the fact that playing a healer and playing a DPS feels so similar is beginning to be a turn-off.
Just a heads up, but when you put in symbols to spell out profanity they will censor you for it. I tired it once with the @ symbol and my post got deleted because of it. So you may want to change it before your thread gets killed over something silly.
TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »I'll keep it simple, playing healer these days feels a lot like playing a low budget DPS. Between managing five dots for zen, or using a nightblade to incap then heavy attacking with a nirnhoned inferno for RO, healers feel a lot like playing a mag DPS that justdoes really low damage. Let be be clear I'm not saying that I want to do nothing but spam springs and orbs during trials, but the fact that playing a healer and playing a DPS feels so similar is beginning to be a turn-off.
Fur_like_snow wrote: »Lol go into PvP as a support where if you’re actually good at your role it often means the difference between winning and losing.
In PvE what’s a healer suppose to heal when anything but a tank can get one shot by mechanics or heavies? Maybe if I put thrassians on and stand in red it’ll get a bit spicy..
TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »I'll keep it simple, playing healer these days feels a lot like playing a low budget DPS. Between managing five dots for zen, or using a nightblade to incap then heavy attacking with a nirnhoned inferno for RO, healers feel a lot like playing a mag DPS that justdoes really low damage. Let be be clear I'm not saying that I want to do nothing but spam springs and orbs during trials, but the fact that playing a healer and playing a DPS feels so similar is beginning to be a turn-off.
amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »I'll keep it simple, playing healer these days feels a lot like playing a low budget DPS. Between managing five dots for zen, or using a nightblade to incap then heavy attacking with a nirnhoned inferno for RO, healers feel a lot like playing a mag DPS that justdoes really low damage. Let be be clear I'm not saying that I want to do nothing but spam springs and orbs during trials, but the fact that playing a healer and playing a DPS feels so similar is beginning to be a turn-off.
This game is centered around DD's and it is frustrating.
DD's are in a race with each other to crank out the highest possible dps and just want to burn.
Healers are seen as a liability because that is a spot that can be filled by more DD's
Tanks are used to throw on damage sets that the DD's don't want to wear, and tanks keeping themselves or their group alive is seen as "selfish"
It's absolutely ridiculous and kinda disrespectful to those of us that enjoy playing support roles.
A friend preferred doing four man vet content with 3 DPS one tank. One night they couldn't find a third DPS so I offered to join on my healer. After we were done my friend admitted the run went a lot smoother and quicker with a healer. They could go full DPS with no worry about self heals and all that fun stuff. After that I got invited to a lot more groups.
amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »I'll keep it simple, playing healer these days feels a lot like playing a low budget DPS. Between managing five dots for zen, or using a nightblade to incap then heavy attacking with a nirnhoned inferno for RO, healers feel a lot like playing a mag DPS that justdoes really low damage. Let be be clear I'm not saying that I want to do nothing but spam springs and orbs during trials, but the fact that playing a healer and playing a DPS feels so similar is beginning to be a turn-off.
This game is centered around DD's and it is frustrating.
DD's are in a race with each other to crank out the highest possible dps and just want to burn.
Healers are seen as a liability because that is a spot that can be filled by more DD's
Tanks are used to throw on damage sets that the DD's don't want to wear, and tanks keeping themselves or their group alive is seen as "selfish"
It's absolutely ridiculous and kinda disrespectful to those of us that enjoy playing support roles.
A friend preferred doing four man vet content with 3 DPS one tank. One night they couldn't find a third DPS so I offered to join on my healer. After we were done my friend admitted the run went a lot smoother and quicker with a healer. They could go full DPS with no worry about self heals and all that fun stuff. After that I got invited to a lot more groups.
No offense to your friend or even you.
But if they are better with a healer that just mean they'r not as good as they think.
Many DPS can parse a lot in trial but struggle in DG where you've to move way more often.
When people are really good like some of my friend, they while run the triple success HM-Speed-no death way easier in 3 DD set-up because everything is gonna get melt in second.
Let them time to improve more, and you'll remember what I said.
amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »I'll keep it simple, playing healer these days feels a lot like playing a low budget DPS. Between managing five dots for zen, or using a nightblade to incap then heavy attacking with a nirnhoned inferno for RO, healers feel a lot like playing a mag DPS that justdoes really low damage. Let be be clear I'm not saying that I want to do nothing but spam springs and orbs during trials, but the fact that playing a healer and playing a DPS feels so similar is beginning to be a turn-off.
This game is centered around DD's and it is frustrating.
DD's are in a race with each other to crank out the highest possible dps and just want to burn.
Healers are seen as a liability because that is a spot that can be filled by more DD's
Tanks are used to throw on damage sets that the DD's don't want to wear, and tanks keeping themselves or their group alive is seen as "selfish"
It's absolutely ridiculous and kinda disrespectful to those of us that enjoy playing support roles.
A friend preferred doing four man vet content with 3 DPS one tank. One night they couldn't find a third DPS so I offered to join on my healer. After we were done my friend admitted the run went a lot smoother and quicker with a healer. They could go full DPS with no worry about self heals and all that fun stuff. After that I got invited to a lot more groups.
No offense to your friend or even you.
But if they are better with a healer that just mean they'r not as good as they think.
Many DPS can parse a lot in trial but struggle in DG where you've to move way more often.
When people are really good like some of my friend, they while run the triple success HM-Speed-no death way easier in 3 DD set-up because everything is gonna get melt in second.
Let them time to improve more, and you'll remember what I said.
We had managed all the four man content on hard mode so good enough. Not elite by any means but neither are the majority of players. I think a lot of players see what the elite are doing and assume they should go the same route. They manage to finish the content using three DPS and they assume it would be slower with a healer.
You are correct that there are players that have no need at all for a healer. I've played with a few. They are a bit rare though.
amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »I'll keep it simple, playing healer these days feels a lot like playing a low budget DPS. Between managing five dots for zen, or using a nightblade to incap then heavy attacking with a nirnhoned inferno for RO, healers feel a lot like playing a mag DPS that justdoes really low damage. Let be be clear I'm not saying that I want to do nothing but spam springs and orbs during trials, but the fact that playing a healer and playing a DPS feels so similar is beginning to be a turn-off.
This game is centered around DD's and it is frustrating.
DD's are in a race with each other to crank out the highest possible dps and just want to burn.
Healers are seen as a liability because that is a spot that can be filled by more DD's
Tanks are used to throw on damage sets that the DD's don't want to wear, and tanks keeping themselves or their group alive is seen as "selfish"
It's absolutely ridiculous and kinda disrespectful to those of us that enjoy playing support roles.
A friend preferred doing four man vet content with 3 DPS one tank. One night they couldn't find a third DPS so I offered to join on my healer. After we were done my friend admitted the run went a lot smoother and quicker with a healer. They could go full DPS with no worry about self heals and all that fun stuff. After that I got invited to a lot more groups.
No offense to your friend or even you.
But if they are better with a healer that just mean they'r not as good as they think.
Many DPS can parse a lot in trial but struggle in DG where you've to move way more often.
When people are really good like some of my friend, they while run the triple success HM-Speed-no death way easier in 3 DD set-up because everything is gonna get melt in second.
Let them time to improve more, and you'll remember what I said.
We had managed all the four man content on hard mode so good enough. Not elite by any means but neither are the majority of players. I think a lot of players see what the elite are doing and assume they should go the same route. They manage to finish the content using three DPS and they assume it would be slower with a healer.
You are correct that there are players that have no need at all for a healer. I've played with a few. They are a bit rare though.
Sur, I by no mean said these player are the majority. Just that in fact, when you become good enough to clean everything with no effort, healer become pointless most of the time. I've myself with these friends do all the DLC success with 1T + 1H + 2DD, but now.. It's way faster with 3 DD tbh.
Also just to be sur, I don't said you and your friend wasn't good enough or whatever that sound bad, just that their is a higher level of player beyond. We had this step too, and you'll soon be in this case too from what you said you complet.
I know my English is limited, so I hope you get the point, didn't want to be mean towards you and your friends !
The problem with healing is when you get to that elite level as a healer you do get kind of stuck in a rut. DPS can always work on more damage. With healing any increase is over healing and not beneficial to the group.
amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »I'll keep it simple, playing healer these days feels a lot like playing a low budget DPS. Between managing five dots for zen, or using a nightblade to incap then heavy attacking with a nirnhoned inferno for RO, healers feel a lot like playing a mag DPS that justdoes really low damage. Let be be clear I'm not saying that I want to do nothing but spam springs and orbs during trials, but the fact that playing a healer and playing a DPS feels so similar is beginning to be a turn-off.
This game is centered around DD's and it is frustrating.
DD's are in a race with each other to crank out the highest possible dps and just want to burn.
Healers are seen as a liability because that is a spot that can be filled by more DD's
Tanks are used to throw on damage sets that the DD's don't want to wear, and tanks keeping themselves or their group alive is seen as "selfish"
It's absolutely ridiculous and kinda disrespectful to those of us that enjoy playing support roles.
A friend preferred doing four man vet content with 3 DPS one tank. One night they couldn't find a third DPS so I offered to join on my healer. After we were done my friend admitted the run went a lot smoother and quicker with a healer. They could go full DPS with no worry about self heals and all that fun stuff. After that I got invited to a lot more groups.
No offense to your friend or even you.
But if they are better with a healer that just mean they'r not as good as they think.
Many DPS can parse a lot in trial but struggle in DG where you've to move way more often.
When people are really good like some of my friend, they while run the triple success HM-Speed-no death way easier in 3 DD set-up because everything is gonna get melt in second.
Let them time to improve more, and you'll remember what I said.
We had managed all the four man content on hard mode so good enough. Not elite by any means but neither are the majority of players. I think a lot of players see what the elite are doing and assume they should go the same route. They manage to finish the content using three DPS and they assume it would be slower with a healer.
You are correct that there are players that have no need at all for a healer. I've played with a few. They are a bit rare though.
Sur, I by no mean said these player are the majority. Just that in fact, when you become good enough to clean everything with no effort, healer become pointless most of the time. I've myself with these friends do all the DLC success with 1T + 1H + 2DD, but now.. It's way faster with 3 DD tbh.
Also just to be sur, I don't said you and your friend wasn't good enough or whatever that sound bad, just that their is a higher level of player beyond. We had this step too, and you'll soon be in this case too from what you said you complet.
I know my English is limited, so I hope you get the point, didn't want to be mean towards you and your friends !
I understood what you meant and didn't take it as bad. I wanted to point out for the majority of players they will benefit from a healer. Others in this thread made it seem there was no point to healing at all. I wanted to express my opinion that for many healing is still needed.
The problem with healing is when you get to that elite level as a healer you do get kind of stuck in a rut. DPS can always work on more damage. With healing any increase is over healing and not beneficial to the group. When I start feeling like my healing is in a rut I join a PuG doing a random and it can be fun trying to keep a really bad group alive a few times.
amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »I'll keep it simple, playing healer these days feels a lot like playing a low budget DPS. Between managing five dots for zen, or using a nightblade to incap then heavy attacking with a nirnhoned inferno for RO, healers feel a lot like playing a mag DPS that justdoes really low damage. Let be be clear I'm not saying that I want to do nothing but spam springs and orbs during trials, but the fact that playing a healer and playing a DPS feels so similar is beginning to be a turn-off.
This game is centered around DD's and it is frustrating.
DD's are in a race with each other to crank out the highest possible dps and just want to burn.
Healers are seen as a liability because that is a spot that can be filled by more DD's
Tanks are used to throw on damage sets that the DD's don't want to wear, and tanks keeping themselves or their group alive is seen as "selfish"
It's absolutely ridiculous and kinda disrespectful to those of us that enjoy playing support roles.
A friend preferred doing four man vet content with 3 DPS one tank. One night they couldn't find a third DPS so I offered to join on my healer. After we were done my friend admitted the run went a lot smoother and quicker with a healer. They could go full DPS with no worry about self heals and all that fun stuff. After that I got invited to a lot more groups.
No offense to your friend or even you.
But if they are better with a healer that just mean they'r not as good as they think.
Many DPS can parse a lot in trial but struggle in DG where you've to move way more often.
When people are really good like some of my friend, they while run the triple success HM-Speed-no death way easier in 3 DD set-up because everything is gonna get melt in second.
Let them time to improve more, and you'll remember what I said.
We had managed all the four man content on hard mode so good enough. Not elite by any means but neither are the majority of players. I think a lot of players see what the elite are doing and assume they should go the same route. They manage to finish the content using three DPS and they assume it would be slower with a healer.
You are correct that there are players that have no need at all for a healer. I've played with a few. They are a bit rare though.
Sur, I by no mean said these player are the majority. Just that in fact, when you become good enough to clean everything with no effort, healer become pointless most of the time. I've myself with these friends do all the DLC success with 1T + 1H + 2DD, but now.. It's way faster with 3 DD tbh.
Also just to be sur, I don't said you and your friend wasn't good enough or whatever that sound bad, just that their is a higher level of player beyond. We had this step too, and you'll soon be in this case too from what you said you complet.
I know my English is limited, so I hope you get the point, didn't want to be mean towards you and your friends !
I understood what you meant and didn't take it as bad. I wanted to point out for the majority of players they will benefit from a healer. Others in this thread made it seem there was no point to healing at all. I wanted to express my opinion that for many healing is still needed.
The problem with healing is when you get to that elite level as a healer you do get kind of stuck in a rut. DPS can always work on more damage. With healing any increase is over healing and not beneficial to the group. When I start feeling like my healing is in a rut I join a PuG doing a random and it can be fun trying to keep a really bad group alive a few times.
Yup that was my point. Healer are good for progressing group.
Once these groupe become very good, you just feel useless and it's incredibly frustrating to have be that far and not be relevant anymore outside of vTrial.
amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »I'll keep it simple, playing healer these days feels a lot like playing a low budget DPS. Between managing five dots for zen, or using a nightblade to incap then heavy attacking with a nirnhoned inferno for RO, healers feel a lot like playing a mag DPS that justdoes really low damage. Let be be clear I'm not saying that I want to do nothing but spam springs and orbs during trials, but the fact that playing a healer and playing a DPS feels so similar is beginning to be a turn-off.
This game is centered around DD's and it is frustrating.
DD's are in a race with each other to crank out the highest possible dps and just want to burn.
Healers are seen as a liability because that is a spot that can be filled by more DD's
Tanks are used to throw on damage sets that the DD's don't want to wear, and tanks keeping themselves or their group alive is seen as "selfish"
It's absolutely ridiculous and kinda disrespectful to those of us that enjoy playing support roles.
A friend preferred doing four man vet content with 3 DPS one tank. One night they couldn't find a third DPS so I offered to join on my healer. After we were done my friend admitted the run went a lot smoother and quicker with a healer. They could go full DPS with no worry about self heals and all that fun stuff. After that I got invited to a lot more groups.
No offense to your friend or even you.
But if they are better with a healer that just mean they'r not as good as they think.
Many DPS can parse a lot in trial but struggle in DG where you've to move way more often.
When people are really good like some of my friend, they while run the triple success HM-Speed-no death way easier in 3 DD set-up because everything is gonna get melt in second.
Let them time to improve more, and you'll remember what I said.
We had managed all the four man content on hard mode so good enough. Not elite by any means but neither are the majority of players. I think a lot of players see what the elite are doing and assume they should go the same route. They manage to finish the content using three DPS and they assume it would be slower with a healer.
You are correct that there are players that have no need at all for a healer. I've played with a few. They are a bit rare though.
Sur, I by no mean said these player are the majority. Just that in fact, when you become good enough to clean everything with no effort, healer become pointless most of the time. I've myself with these friends do all the DLC success with 1T + 1H + 2DD, but now.. It's way faster with 3 DD tbh.
Also just to be sur, I don't said you and your friend wasn't good enough or whatever that sound bad, just that their is a higher level of player beyond. We had this step too, and you'll soon be in this case too from what you said you complet.
I know my English is limited, so I hope you get the point, didn't want to be mean towards you and your friends !
I understood what you meant and didn't take it as bad. I wanted to point out for the majority of players they will benefit from a healer. Others in this thread made it seem there was no point to healing at all. I wanted to express my opinion that for many healing is still needed.
The problem with healing is when you get to that elite level as a healer you do get kind of stuck in a rut. DPS can always work on more damage. With healing any increase is over healing and not beneficial to the group. When I start feeling like my healing is in a rut I join a PuG doing a random and it can be fun trying to keep a really bad group alive a few times.
Yup that was my point. Healer are good for progressing group.
Once these groupe become very good, you just feel useless and it's incredibly frustrating to have be that far and not be relevant anymore outside of vTrial.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »When you get to that point, what's wrong with converting to a pure or almost pure DPS build?amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »I'll keep it simple, playing healer these days feels a lot like playing a low budget DPS. Between managing five dots for zen, or using a nightblade to incap then heavy attacking with a nirnhoned inferno for RO, healers feel a lot like playing a mag DPS that justdoes really low damage. Let be be clear I'm not saying that I want to do nothing but spam springs and orbs during trials, but the fact that playing a healer and playing a DPS feels so similar is beginning to be a turn-off.
This game is centered around DD's and it is frustrating.
DD's are in a race with each other to crank out the highest possible dps and just want to burn.
Healers are seen as a liability because that is a spot that can be filled by more DD's
Tanks are used to throw on damage sets that the DD's don't want to wear, and tanks keeping themselves or their group alive is seen as "selfish"
It's absolutely ridiculous and kinda disrespectful to those of us that enjoy playing support roles.
A friend preferred doing four man vet content with 3 DPS one tank. One night they couldn't find a third DPS so I offered to join on my healer. After we were done my friend admitted the run went a lot smoother and quicker with a healer. They could go full DPS with no worry about self heals and all that fun stuff. After that I got invited to a lot more groups.
No offense to your friend or even you.
But if they are better with a healer that just mean they'r not as good as they think.
Many DPS can parse a lot in trial but struggle in DG where you've to move way more often.
When people are really good like some of my friend, they while run the triple success HM-Speed-no death way easier in 3 DD set-up because everything is gonna get melt in second.
Let them time to improve more, and you'll remember what I said.
We had managed all the four man content on hard mode so good enough. Not elite by any means but neither are the majority of players. I think a lot of players see what the elite are doing and assume they should go the same route. They manage to finish the content using three DPS and they assume it would be slower with a healer.
You are correct that there are players that have no need at all for a healer. I've played with a few. They are a bit rare though.
Sur, I by no mean said these player are the majority. Just that in fact, when you become good enough to clean everything with no effort, healer become pointless most of the time. I've myself with these friends do all the DLC success with 1T + 1H + 2DD, but now.. It's way faster with 3 DD tbh.
Also just to be sur, I don't said you and your friend wasn't good enough or whatever that sound bad, just that their is a higher level of player beyond. We had this step too, and you'll soon be in this case too from what you said you complet.
I know my English is limited, so I hope you get the point, didn't want to be mean towards you and your friends !
I understood what you meant and didn't take it as bad. I wanted to point out for the majority of players they will benefit from a healer. Others in this thread made it seem there was no point to healing at all. I wanted to express my opinion that for many healing is still needed.
The problem with healing is when you get to that elite level as a healer you do get kind of stuck in a rut. DPS can always work on more damage. With healing any increase is over healing and not beneficial to the group. When I start feeling like my healing is in a rut I join a PuG doing a random and it can be fun trying to keep a really bad group alive a few times.
Yup that was my point. Healer are good for progressing group.
Once these groupe become very good, you just feel useless and it's incredibly frustrating to have be that far and not be relevant anymore outside of vTrial.
Zodiarkslayer wrote: »So.... I wholeheartedly agree!
Playing a healer is really feeling like you cant substantially contribute to group performance.
When you feel you have really outdone yourself and threw many heals and buffs to your teammates, all are like: meh!
But when they die you get the heat and the blame. But noone ever looks at themselves for failure....
It's so frustrating.
Zodiarkslayer wrote: »So.... I wholeheartedly agree!
Playing a healer is really feeling like you cant substantially contribute to group performance.
When you feel you have really outdone yourself and threw many heals and buffs to your teammates, all are like: meh!
But when they die you get the heat and the blame. But noone ever looks at themselves for failure....
It's so frustrating.
The post I made was suppose to simply say “ can we have more mechanics in this game other than DPS
Luke_Flamesword wrote: »I tkink that they should make less frustrating one-shot mechanics and more burst damage - that gives more job for healers and is less punishing and annoying than 1-second mistakes making total wipeout.
TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »I'll keep it simple, playing healer these days feels a lot like playing a low budget DPS. Between managing five dots for zen, or using a nightblade to incap then heavy attacking with a nirnhoned inferno for RO, healers feel a lot like playing a mag DPS that justdoes really low damage. Let be be clear I'm not saying that I want to do nothing but spam springs and orbs during trials, but the fact that playing a healer and playing a DPS feels so similar is beginning to be a turn-off.