Soothing spores and other warden base abilities.

Is soothing spores worth using in no-cp?
As much as I want to use warden class abilities, most of them are complete garbage. Cliff racers are always dodged in 1v1, Flies do very little damage, the bear ultimate is very buggy and rarely attacks who you want it to, and now soothing spores seems to heal for only slightly more than two ticks of vigor.

Am I doing something wrong or are those skills, mainly soothing spores, not worth the stamina?
  • WildRaptorX
    Many stamina wardens use spores in PvP as a burst heal. Use it while under 40% health to proc the major mending passive, then use Vigor.
  • FirmamentOfStars
    I also have seen some stamdens use it in duels too. They just stalemate the fight, stay on defense all the time and heal through your damage (soothing spores when they get low) and wait for their ultimate being ready. Then they try to one-shot you.
  • Canned_Apples
    I also have seen some stamdens use it in duels too. They just stalemate the fight, stay on defense all the time and heal through your damage (soothing spores when they get low) and wait for their ultimate being ready. Then they try to one-shot you.

    Isn't that true for any and every class? Dodge, heal, heal, dodge, Ultimate up, clever alchemist, charge, "combo"/ultimate dump.
  • FirmamentOfStars
    I also have seen some stamdens use it in duels too. They just stalemate the fight, stay on defense all the time and heal through your damage (soothing spores when they get low) and wait for their ultimate being ready. Then they try to one-shot you.

    Isn't that true for any and every class? Dodge, heal, heal, dodge, Ultimate up, clever alchemist, charge, "combo"/ultimate dump.

    Well to some extent yes, but it fits stamdens just better. Comboing shalks into uppercut dawnbreaker to instakill several enemies was like the prime example of burst and one of the first classes reaching for the dizzying swing meta. Naturally stamcro does it the same way, but they came after the warden class.

    Most classes just dont work as well as stamdens in this perspective, thats why stamdens still is considered one of the top pugstomper classes. All it takes is turtling up till dawns is ready. Combo it with dizzy and shalks and you one-shot most enemies. Also turtling up works on stamdens very well to, its just the prime example for that tanknspank playstyle.
  • Canned_Apples
    This is the kind of builds I’ve been trying to make work:
    But everyone just dodges
    Edited by Canned_Apples on August 3, 2020 12:26PM
  • Kartalin
    For keeping alive in non cp I depend on Resolving Vigor, Arctic Blast, and Healing Thicket when necessary.

    Using NMA, Eternal Vigor, and Sellistrix, Potato back bar, 5-1-1 heavy, orc, warrior mundus, 2H and s&b.

    My damage abilities are similar to the build you linked (executioner instead of whirling blades) but I run less damage (WD tops out at 4900ish) in exchange for better sustain and survivability.
    • PC/NA
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    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 37
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 37
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 36
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Kallenna, EP Magcro, AR 34
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