Prices for Resources too low

I had lost all of my addons. When I got them back I noticed the prices for my resources were ridiculously lower than before. I could have 100 pewter and it wants to give me like 50 gold. I ran the tamriel trade center client thinking that would fix it, but it didn't. Anything else I can do to fix that?
  • TempPlayer
    If you are talking about auto price at guild store listing, it is most likely from MM.
    You need to manually download the 10 days worth of sales record from guild you are in, in order to get a good estimate.
  • markthegreat56
    That may be the issue. I don't know how to do that.Quick tips?
  • virtus753
    That may be the issue. I don't know how to do that.Quick tips?

    I would suggest using the command “/mm missing” (without quotes) and manually feed it the info as follows:

    Open your guild history (G by default for the guild page), and go to Sales. When you see the list of sales, hit E (or whatever you may have rebound it to) to “Show More.” You may need to set MM’s verbosity higher to see it updating. (I put it on 4 with the chat command “/mm verbose 4” — without the quotes.) Keep doing that until MM’s chat messages show 100%. Repeat for each guild. Shortly after a guild reaches 100%, the add-on will say “[#] sales added from [Guild Name]”.

    Do not hit Show More too quickly (more than about once per second), or you risk being booted for spamming the server. MM will probably not retain the new information if that happens. (Same if you crash. Add-ons can’t store info if the game closes improperly like that.)

    It will take a bit to go through 10 days of history for trade guilds, but this manual method takes a lot less time than waiting for the add-on to update on its own, due to restrictions placed on add-ons.
  • markthegreat56
    Virtus, thank you so much. That worked. That was the missing piece. I've never had to do that before. Back to selling.
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