Something strange happened to me yesterday. I queued to do a random Vet dungeon for the XP again and I got VSCP....with PUGS(220-340CP). Now usually my style of play is to leave and do DLC with friends only, yesterday however I figured Hey, why not give it a go'.
So we got to the first boss and it was a wipe, when we rezzed the tank apologised saying it was his first time in here and didn't know the mechs. I huffed and went to leave group but ended up doing a ready check instead. It was a sign, I had to stay and get this sucker done. So I explained the mechs and we got it done first attempt, 'Good job, everyone' emotes were going off left right and centre. Turns out the healer and other dd hadn't done it on vet either or know the mechs. I continued to do explain the mechs for all the bosses and we breezed through them. We wiped a few times on the last boss but ultimately got it done.
Anyway the strange things that happened to me was I got a warm, fuzzy feeling after helping people.....happiness that i hadn't felt in a long time.
Moral of the story, we all started out not knowing mechs once, take time to give back to the community and help someone like others have helped you.
Stay safe