DCZergNoob wrote: »Once again ZOS for no reason is Nerfing a set that is IDEAL for solo/small scale players that will become completely swept under the rug once the nerf goes though and dies in ZOS abyss
Why are sets that give solo & small scale players a bit of a fair standing ground against outnumbered continue to be unjustly nerfed for no reason?
5% is not alot, but it helped and was crucial for alot of builds, Now once again a good set is becoming completely useless, without little to no back bar sets to run as an alternative
you have to imagine this laughable 3% damage reduction. LOL i mean 5% was laughable and now 3%? this is even more laughable.
DCZergNoob wrote: »Once again ZOS for no reason is Nerfing a set that is IDEAL for solo/small scale players that will become completely swept under the rug once the nerf goes though and dies in ZOS abyss
Why are sets that give solo & small scale players a bit of a fair standing ground against outnumbered continue to be unjustly nerfed for no reason?
5% is not alot, but it helped and was crucial for alot of builds, Now once again a good set is becoming completely useless, without little to no back bar sets to run as an alternative
NeoXanthus wrote: »100% agree this did not need a nerf. However, this seems like more nerfs are related to usage. The more people that use something the more it gets a nerf to put you back on the equipment leveling hamster wheel.
Nemesis7884 wrote: »its kinda funny that they want to reduce zergs but all the nerfs create more zergs ^^