pauld1_ESO wrote: »Any good PvP balances dps with tankiness....not ESO. You should be a damage sponge or be able to rip people to shreds, not both. Even WoW gets this right most of the time.
ZarkingFrued wrote: »Greymoor has been out for a while on all platforms now, and I'm assuming that everyone has seen what Werewolf is capable of in PVP. The exploit builds have gone off the charts with werewolf. People are making insanely tanky werewolves that still tear through people, and they never leave Werewolf form. The duration of this Ult needs looked at specifically. The Ult itself should grant huge power, but constantly being on a one bar easy mode tanking and dps behemoth is a little to far. Just my opinion, I'm sure plenty of people who have found that they can now easily tear up entire groups with it while taking significantly less damage will disagree though. ZOS please take a look at the PVP community, and how players are creating Titans out of werewolves. Just makes the game boring when packs of these unkillable things are the new Meta.
ZarkingFrued wrote: »Greymoor has been out for a while on all platforms now, and I'm assuming that everyone has seen what Werewolf is capable of in PVP. The exploit builds have gone off the charts with werewolf. People are making insanely tanky werewolves that still tear through people, and they never leave Werewolf form. The duration of this Ult needs looked at specifically. The Ult itself should grant huge power, but constantly being on a one bar easy mode tanking and dps behemoth is a little to far. Just my opinion, I'm sure plenty of people who have found that they can now easily tear up entire groups with it while taking significantly less damage will disagree though. ZOS please take a look at the PVP community, and how players are creating Titans out of werewolves. Just makes the game boring when packs of these unkillable things are the new Meta.
I haven't noticed this. My ww has sustain problems. I always see WW dying fast in Cyrodil since they have vulnerabilities. Can you link one of these new builds
When its possible to drop 30K+ meteors on live, I don't really see the problem...
No. They are fine. If you can't handle them, you are not doing it right. I used to main WW, but haven't played them at all since they were severely castrated. During midyear mayhem however, I know I killed some several "werewolf video making OP players" in ww form. And If I can do it, anyone even decent will be able to do so.
I mean. Stuns and snares and werewolves don't really mix, how hard can it be...
pauld1_ESO wrote: »The only people defending this absurdness are no doubt the ones using it, especially in BGs. Battlegrounds are beyond broken right now with damage off the charts and werewolves are rolling everyone in them. NERF IT.