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Werewolf in PVP is absurdly overpowered

Greymoor has been out for a while on all platforms now, and I'm assuming that everyone has seen what Werewolf is capable of in PVP. The exploit builds have gone off the charts with werewolf. People are making insanely tanky werewolves that still tear through people, and they never leave Werewolf form. The duration of this Ult needs looked at specifically. The Ult itself should grant huge power, but constantly being on a one bar easy mode tanking and dps behemoth is a little to far. Just my opinion, I'm sure plenty of people who have found that they can now easily tear up entire groups with it while taking significantly less damage will disagree though. ZOS please take a look at the PVP community, and how players are creating Titans out of werewolves. Just makes the game boring when packs of these unkillable things are the new Meta.
  • pauld1_ESO
    Any good PvP balances dps with tankiness....not ESO. You should be a damage sponge or be able to rip people to shreds, not both. Even WoW gets this right most of the time.
  • Algorax
    pauld1_ESO wrote: »
    Any good PvP balances dps with tankiness....not ESO. You should be a damage sponge or be able to rip people to shreds, not both. Even WoW gets this right most of the time.

    You... are not very familiar with PvP on MMO's, are you?
  • Volktair
    Just do a ww and enjoy it.

  • Theignson
    Greymoor has been out for a while on all platforms now, and I'm assuming that everyone has seen what Werewolf is capable of in PVP. The exploit builds have gone off the charts with werewolf. People are making insanely tanky werewolves that still tear through people, and they never leave Werewolf form. The duration of this Ult needs looked at specifically. The Ult itself should grant huge power, but constantly being on a one bar easy mode tanking and dps behemoth is a little to far. Just my opinion, I'm sure plenty of people who have found that they can now easily tear up entire groups with it while taking significantly less damage will disagree though. ZOS please take a look at the PVP community, and how players are creating Titans out of werewolves. Just makes the game boring when packs of these unkillable things are the new Meta.

    I haven't noticed this. My ww has sustain problems. I always see WW dying fast in Cyrodil since they have vulnerabilities. Can you link one of these new builds
    3 GOs, a Warlord, and bunches of prefects etc-- all classes...I've wasted a lot of time in PVP
  • DocFrost72
    Got a video or any other evidence?
  • Goregrinder
    WW still die lol.
  • ZarkingFrued
    Theignson wrote: »
    Greymoor has been out for a while on all platforms now, and I'm assuming that everyone has seen what Werewolf is capable of in PVP. The exploit builds have gone off the charts with werewolf. People are making insanely tanky werewolves that still tear through people, and they never leave Werewolf form. The duration of this Ult needs looked at specifically. The Ult itself should grant huge power, but constantly being on a one bar easy mode tanking and dps behemoth is a little to far. Just my opinion, I'm sure plenty of people who have found that they can now easily tear up entire groups with it while taking significantly less damage will disagree though. ZOS please take a look at the PVP community, and how players are creating Titans out of werewolves. Just makes the game boring when packs of these unkillable things are the new Meta.

    I haven't noticed this. My ww has sustain problems. I always see WW dying fast in Cyrodil since they have vulnerabilities. Can you link one of these new builds

    Absolutely would not spread the build people are using for any reason lol
  • pauld1_ESO
    Volktair wrote: »
    Just do a ww and enjoy it.


    Yea let's all just be werewolves....great idea.

    It's stupid overpowered right now and it needs a nerf, period.
  • buttaface
    Man, this makes me wish there was some way to CC werewolves that have no anti CC skills other than break free and then run out their measly magicka leaving them unable to heal... and then do extra damage to them with a very commonly used skill line and ult.

  • Nord_Raseri
    Only WWs I've seen in cyro are the occasional corpse or the one desperately trying to break free and escape, only to be yet another corpse...
    Veit ég aðég hékk vindga meiði á nætr allar níu, geiri undaðr og gefinn Oðni, sjálfr sjálfum mér, á þeim meiði er manngi veit hvers hann af rótum rennr.
  • geonsocal
    what are there now - maybe 10 or so active maps across all the platforms and servers...of that a handful or so of players have figured out how to "exploit" the werewolf form...

    yeah, cyrodiil is really falling apart due to werewolf players - not...

    I guess if the need to complain is that absurdly intense, werewolves are as good a topic to complain about as most others...
    Edited by geonsocal on July 28, 2020 8:03AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • HalvarIronfist
    Stamdk main. WW is a joke to me. I just dot you up and watch you die. Poison OP.
  • Hotdog_23
    Cyrodiil with CP I can see them not been as effective but in BG’s they are to be overpowered for the average player.
  • Kram8ion
    Nb Sheer venom viper double dot poison classic has come out of Narnia town.
    Bring it on :D
    Aussie lag is real!
  • Brrrofski
    Not come across ANY in BGs on Xbox EU so can't comment on no CP.

    But in CP I don't find them OP. I've never been blown away by any WWs in CP PVP if I'm honest. Few good ones, yeh, but usually they're good players anyway and would be hard to fight outside of WW form.
  • Vanagrand
    Low mmr bgs there are plenty and *** potatos like no other one. As you go up they begin to disapear and being replaced for immortals streak sorcs. Doesnt matter if mag or sta, both are op.
  • Goregrinder
    Hotdog_23 wrote: »
    Cyrodiil with CP I can see them not been as effective but in BG’s they are to be overpowered for the average player.

    But anything is OP to a potato though.
  • Kadoin
    When its possible to drop 30K+ meteors on live, I don't really see the problem...
  • Moonsorrow
    Kadoin wrote: »
    When its possible to drop 30K+ meteors on live, I don't really see the problem...


    And, yeah one can make a WW tanky with decent damage, but.. one can make a non-WW equally (well, way more than any WW build to be honest as all who play competitively/with experience know) tanky with decent damage.

    If truly "op" wolves was true, Cyro and IC open world would be filled with Wolves, but they are not.

    Most know their classes skills/passives with the same build mean more flexibility and being able to use each classes "gimmicks" (think of Streak, Cloak, Shimmering, Spirit Guardian Casper/Mortal Carry.. i mean Coil). WW is imo nothing but a short burst tool, that you use for a moment and then want it GONE fast so can again play your classes defensive strenghts, mobility and so on.

    There is a LOT of people in Cyro (even in bgs with bad luck lol) spamming a skill that hits WW even harder than it hits others. That Arrow combined with Poison type DoT (usually not even need if Sniper has some serious punch on their Lethal Arrows) and or Dawnbreakers that are widely used, oh and zerglings spamming Silver Shards.. most WW i see are always dead on the ground, first ones to die on breaches.

    They do attack bravely and proudly as they should, wolves show no fear!

    But that extra damage they take from most common hard hitting ranged"spammable" of Stamblades and other bow heroes (me too occasionally, its refreshing to do on 30vs3 situations from a wall when defending against night/morning zergs, you know you get love letters meow..) does not end well for open world Wolves.

    But as a short burst gimmick WW is fine. As it should be.

    OP, this meaning the Original Poster instead of the too widely use overpowered term.. you know you can make crazy short burst gimmicks with Vampire too, and in human form without each completely? But without the penalties?

    We live in a patch with high ups and lows, with gimmicks and procs with Mythics as a hot sauce that mixes it all in.. and when everything can be "OP" then nothing is really "OP" anymore since all got that same "OP" potential, each class/setup with just slightly different adjustments.

    WW is hardly OP when one can 2-shot a 30k hp WW with 35k+ resistances from 100% to death recap. Just saying. Someone in WW form actually makes their killing easier, unless you let them control the fight instead of you controlling them.
  • Goregrinder
    Kadoin wrote: »
    When its possible to drop 30K+ meteors on live, I don't really see the problem...

  • Josira
    The werewolf,truly does tick all the boxes as to what it means to be a vampire
    "BlooD FReNZy TicKS aLL thE BoXes of WhaT iT mEanS tO bE a VaMpiRe"
  • Karmanorway
    I agree they are OP, but they are also a means to an end. What do you do when zergs are fighting a necro or warden? You bring a WW, so they can actually die this year.
    Edited by Karmanorway on July 29, 2020 6:36AM
  • Zodi53
    Sorry but Magsorc and MagDk are currently godlike with tankiness and dps output. Let’s focus on them before WW
  • Raudgrani
    No. They are fine. If you can't handle them, you are not doing it right. I used to main WW, but haven't played them at all since they were severely castrated. During midyear mayhem however, I know I killed some several "werewolf video making OP players" in ww form. And If I can do it, anyone even decent will be able to do so.

    I mean. Stuns and snares and werewolves don't really mix, how hard can it be...
  • erio
    Raudgrani wrote: »
    No. They are fine. If you can't handle them, you are not doing it right. I used to main WW, but haven't played them at all since they were severely castrated. During midyear mayhem however, I know I killed some several "werewolf video making OP players" in ww form. And If I can do it, anyone even decent will be able to do so.

    I mean. Stuns and snares and werewolves don't really mix, how hard can it be...

    "used to"
  • Fawn4287
    Why is werewolf allowed to be permanently up? In thE sewers I see packs of wwolves with 35-40k health and hit incredibly hard and never exit the ult because there are always bodies to eat, the time extension passives and skills need to be removed to bring it in to line with vamp lord and necro bone tyrant transformation ultis.
  • Rianai
    You sure you want werewolves to keep access to all skills and passives while transformed?
  • Iki
    WW is not overperforming, you are underperforming.

    There is overperforming set combinations that can make also werewolves look OP, but the real issues is those sets/builds, not ww itself. Probably biggest reason why many ppl struggle when fighting WWs is that the cc-type they got in roar is fear, traditionally buggiest cc in the game that can be slow at best and impossible at worst to break free from. If one ends up spamming break free for 3 seconds to no avail even ww with modest dps can kill one, but if we exclude issues with break free, ww really isn`t unbeatable opponent.

    Sure howl can hit hard with powerful build, their burst-heal is strong, but requires hefty investments to magicka&magicka-sustain to be able to be used a lot. And we also need to keep in mind that ww can`t setup burst combos as some classes do with delayed dmg and burst-ultimates, against ww you can get hit by strong howl every gcd while having modest dot ticking on you but thats it really. It`s not much different than getting hit by powerful dizzy swings every gcd, if that alone kills you, you also need to take a look in the mirror and consider ways to improve your own defensive-play.

    Ww got access to good amount of dmg mitigation, especially if one chooses packleader-morph, but difference to other non-ww builds with capped resistances and access to minor and sometimes major protection is small. And WWs usually doesn`t have major evasion, have very modest healing over time or not at all and no purge.

    Zos did good job buffing WW in greymoor and they are finally pretty fun to play, but I honestly can`t see how WW itself would be too strong, they got power but also weaknesses, they got acces to even more effectiveness, but that comes with significant trade-offs. Just get yourself ww-bite, take a look at the morphs of ww-skills to see their trade-offs, go to cyrodiil and see if you can become god of pvp just by transforming to werewolf...
  • pauld1_ESO
    The only people defending this absurdness are no doubt the ones using it, especially in BGs. Battlegrounds are beyond broken right now with damage off the charts and werewolves are rolling everyone in them. NERF IT.
  • Nord_Raseri
    pauld1_ESO wrote: »
    The only people defending this absurdness are no doubt the ones using it, especially in BGs. Battlegrounds are beyond broken right now with damage off the charts and werewolves are rolling everyone in them. NERF IT.

    Or you know, people with common sense and the experience to know better...
    Veit ég aðég hékk vindga meiði á nætr allar níu, geiri undaðr og gefinn Oðni, sjálfr sjálfum mér, á þeim meiði er manngi veit hvers hann af rótum rennr.
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